A Violent Grace

A Violent Grace

by Michael Card

Reflections on what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished through His death on the Cross

Chapter titles of the book, A Violent Grace

1. He was born to die so I could be born to new life.[ John 1:10-12 ]

2. He suffered temptation so I can experience victory.[ Hebrews 4:14-16 ]

3. He was betrayed so I might know His faithfulness.[ 2 Timothy 2:13 ]

4. He was arrested and bound so I could be rescued from bondage.[ Hebrews 2:14-18 ]

5. He stood trial alone so I might have an advocate.[ 1 John 2:1 ]

6. He was wounded so I could be healed.[ Isaiah 53:5 ]

7. He endured mockery so I could know dignity and joy.[ Isaiah 53:3,4 ]

8. He was condemned so the truth could set me free.[ Romans 8:1 ]

9. He was crowned with thorns so I might crown Him with praise.[ Revelation 5:9,10 ]

10. He was nailed to the cross so I might escape judgment.[ John 5:24 ]

11. He was stretched out between thieves so I could know the reach of love.[ 1 John 3:1-3 ]

12. He suffered thirst so I could drink living water.[ John 7:37,38 ]

13. He said, “It is finished,” so I could begin my walk of faith. [ 2 Corinthian 5:21 ]

14. He was God’s lamb, slain so I could claim His sacrifice as my own.[ John 1:29 ]

15. He was forsaken by the Father so I would never be rejected.[ Isaiah 53:6-12 ]

16. He chose the shame of weakness so I can know the hope of glory.[ Colossians 1:27 ]

17. He shed His blood so I can be white as snow. [ Isaiah 1:18 ]

18. His heart was pierced so mine could be whole.[ Jeremiah 31:31-34 ]

19. He died and was buried so the grave could not hold me.[ 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 ]

20. He rose again so I might experience eternal life.[ Hebrews 7:25 ]

21. He is known by His scars so I will take up my cross and follow Him.[ Luke 9:23 ]


Michael Card, A Violent Grace. Sisters, OR: Multnomah, 2000. (Quoted in A Call to Grace, by David Nassar – www.DavidNassar.com)

These benefits are provided to all who have personally received Christ as Lord and Savior by faith (Rom. 10:9-13). Bracketed Scripture references added by the editor, JBW. (The online version of this article at GraceNotebook.com has active links of the Scripture references for quick access.)

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