- Abundant Life Testimony of John Bunyan
- Acceptance
- Acceptance
- All-Sufficient Grace
- Amazing Grace
- Anticipating the Second Coming of Christ
- An Approved Mysticism
- An Exchanged Life
- An Exchanged Life Counselor’s Testimony
- An Exchanged Life Testimony
- An Instrument of God’s Peace
- An Invitation to Biblical Faith
- An “In Christ” Testimony
- Appropriating Christ As Life
- Appropriating Christ Jesus (Part 1 of 2)
- Appropriating Christ Jesus (Part 2 of 2)
- Are You Good Enough to Go to Heaven?
- Ascended With Christ
- Assurance: The Office of the Holy Spirit
- As a Bride Adorning Herself with Her Jewels
- At Home With the Lord-Here and Now
- At the Master’s Feet
- Avoidance Tactics
- A Balanced Gospel
- A Banquet of Blessings
- A Bondservant of Christ
- A Career in Modeling
- A Defense of “The Second Blessing”
- A Fellowship of Grace
- A Fish Out of Water
- A Fountain of Living Water
- A Fruitful Prayer Pattern
- A Gallery of Christ’s Glory
- A Glimpse of Kingdom Glory
- A Guest for Supper
- A Guide to Freedom Through the Cross
- A Helping Hand For Parents of Teens (Pts. 1 & 2)
- A Higher View
- A Hymn for Christmas
- A Letter from Prison
- A Love Letter from the Heavenly Bridegroom
- A Man in Heaven and Christ in You
- A Matter of Death and Life
- A New Creature
- A New Perspective For A New Year
- A New Vessel
- A Personal Testimony
- A Picture of Spiritual Rest and Victory (Part 1)
- A Picture of Spiritual Rest and Victory (Part 2)
- A Picture of Spiritual Rest and Victory (Part 3/ conclusion)
- A Place to Belong
- A Portrait of Discipleship, Part 1
- A Portrait of Discipleship, Part 2
- A Prayer About Happiness
- A Prayer of Devotion
- A Prophecy of the Messiah’s Coming
- A Psychologist Discovers Joy
- A Response
- A Response to the Flag Issue
- A Response to “A Critique of the ‘Exchanged Life”
- A Response to “What Mark?
- A Spiritual Life Testimony
- A Spiritual Secret from a Senior Citizen
- A Spirit of Celebration
- A Startling Message
- A Survival Guide For the New Year
- A Testimony
- A Testimony From China
- A Testimony of Identification
- A Testimony of Restorative Love
- A Testimony: My Father’s Shirt
- A Valentine From Your Heavenly Father
- A Violent Grace
- Balancing Our Walk
- Bearing the Cross
- Because He Lives
- Because He Lives
- Being in Order to Do
- Being in Order to Do
- Beneath the Cross of Jesus
- Beyond Self Improvement
- Be Filled with the Spirit
- Biblical Ethics? Absolutely
- Biblical Family Values
- Biblical Resolution Management
- Blessed Are the Peacemakers
- Blessings in Christ
- Blessings Out of Buffetings
- Blue Christmas
- Borrowing Credibility: An Audit of Evolutionist Arguments
- Bouquets and Brickbats
- Breaking Free From the Past
- Brokenness (Part 1)
- Brokenness (Part 2)
- Brokenness (Part 3)
- Broken Cisterns
- Broken to Be Fixed
- Brother Andrew’s Jar of Honey
- But How? (complete)
- But How? (Part 1)
- But How? (Part 2)
- But How? (Part 3 of 3)
- Bypassing the Detour of Legalism (Part 3)
- Bypassing the Detour of Legalism (Part 1)
- Bypassing the Detour of Legalism (Part 2)
- Bypass Everything and Go Directly to Jesus (Part 1)
- Bypass Everything and Go Directly to Jesus (Part 2)
- Bypass Everything and Go Directly to Jesus (Part 3)
- By Thy Cross and Passion
- Canaan and the Cross: The Testimony of James Markey (Part 1)
- Canaan and the Cross: The Testimony of James Markey (Part 2 )
- Changing for the Better through Resurrection Life
- Choose to Surrender
- Christian Living
- Christlike Graces of Character
- Christmas Angels and the Intrigue of Redemption
- Christ Dwelling in the Heart (Part 1)
- Christ Dwelling in the Heart (Part 2 of 2)
- Christ for Us (Part 1)
- Christ for Us (Part 2)
- Christ in Heaven and Christ Within (Part 1)
- Christ in Heaven and Christ Within (Part 2)
- Christ in You, the Hope of Glory (Part 1)
- Christ in You, the Hope of Glory (Part 2)
- Christ in You: A Conversation
- Christ is All
- Christ is All
- Christ is All (Part 2)
- Christ is All (part 3)
- Christ is All (part 4 of 4)
- Christ Our Life
- Christ Our Life (Part 2)
- Christ Our Life: Victory!
- Christ Our Pattern
- Christ Our Sanctifier (Part 1)
- Christ Our Sanctifier (Part 2)
- Christ Revealed in Paul
- Christ, Our Life
- Christ, Our Redemption
- Christ, Our Righteousness
- Christ, Our Sanctification
- Christ, Our Wisdom
- Christ, Who Is Our Life!
- Claiming God’s Promises
- Clarifications: A Review of Birthright
- Closer to Perfection
- Clothed in Christ’s Righteousness
- Come and Dine
- Come Up Higher
- Communication Guidelines
- Complete in Christ
- Consider God’s Love
- Continual Confidence
- Continuous Contact
- Cooking Up Some Good Works
- Cooperating With Grace
- Core Values for the Christian Family
- Corporate Identity
- Correcting Your Perception of God
- Could You Use a New Past?
- Counseling Phone Numbers
- Counteracting the Disease of Sin (Part 1)
- Counteracting the Disease of Sin (Part 2)
- Crime and Peace in South Africa
- Crucified With Christ
- Crucified With Christ
- Crucified With Christ: Position and Power
- Crucified With Christ: the Key to Victorious Living
- Crucifixion With Christ
- Cultivating Concern for Others
- Daily Displacement of Self
- Daily Fellowship With God
- Dating with Spiritual Contentment
- Dealing with Depression
- Dealing With Loss
- Dealing With Loss (Part 2)
- Deeper Experience and Greater Witness
- Defusing Anger
- Delights of the Christ-Centered Life
- Descending the Staircase of Humility
- Diagrams
- Difficulties and Dangers in the Christ-Centered Life
- Diligent to Rest
- Dimensions of Forgiving
- Discoveries From Robinson Crusoe’s Journal
- Does the Believer Have Two Natures?
- Do You Have A Homeland As Your Only Security? (Part 1)
- Do You Have A Homeland As Your Only Security? (Part 2)
- Do You Walk in White?
- Drawing Out Your Potential
- Drawing the Right Conclusion
- Drum Beats for Wholehearted Disciples
- Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High
- Dynamics of Transformation
- Emancipation from Sin’s Penalty (Rom. 5)
- Emancipation from Sin’s Presence (Rom. 8)
- Emancipation from Sin’s Strength (Rom. 7)
- Emancipation from Sin’s Tyranny (Rom. 6)
- Employed By Grace
- Encourage Yourself in God
- Enlargement through Life’s Challenges
- Enter In
- Evan Hopkins – A Unique Gift to Keswick and the Church
- Every Good Thing That Is Ours
- Exchanged Life Counseling in Biblical Context
- Exchange Rate
- Facing the Future with Courage
- Facing the New Year with Faith, Hope and Love
- Faith and Faithfulness
- Faith and Good Works
- Faith-filled Friendship
- Fallen into Legalism
- Falling in Love? (Part 1)
- Falling in Love? (Part 2)
- Fear Not! Behold a Savior
- Finally, I Met Jesus!
- Finding Answers in Times of Perplexity
- Finding Soul Rest
- Foreknowledge, Predestination and Election (Part 1 of 2)
- Foreknowledge, Predestination and Election (Part 2 of 2)
- Forfeited Discipleship: The Rich Young Ruler (Part 1)
- Forfeited Discipleship: The Rich Young Ruler (part 2)
- Forfeited Discipleship: The Rich Young Ruler (Part 3)
- Forfeited Discipleship: The Rich Young Ruler (Part 4)
- Forgive and Forget
- Forgiving
- For This I Have Jesus
- Four Spheres of Discipleship
- Freedom From Addiction (Part 1)
- Freedom From Addiction, Part 2
- Freedom From Addiction, Part 3
- Freedom From Addiction, Part 4
- Freedom from Addiction: A Testimony
- Freedom From A Guilty Conscience
- Freedom from Sin’s Authority
- Freedom Through Abiding in Christ
- Free at Last
- Fresh Grace Is Desired for Every Step
- From Bitterness to Blessing
- From Carnal to Spiritual: Maladjusted Flesh
- From Carnal to Spiritual: Well-Adjusted Flesh
- From Doctrine to Experience
- From Faith to Faith, Part 1
- From Faith to Faith, Part 2
- From Glory to Glory
- From Jihad to Discovering the Prince of Peace
- From Rags to Riches
- Full Pardon in the New Covenant
- Future Grace
- Getting Out of the Doldrums
- Giving Thanks by Faith
- God in Us (Part 1)
- God in Us (Part 2)
- God is Able (Part 1)
- God is Able (Part 2)
- God is Faithful (Part 1)
- God is Faithful (Part 2)
- God Reveals to Individuals
- God’s Assurance of Daily Strength
- God’s Dwelling Place
- God’s Good News for You!
- God’s Grace: Always All Sufficient
- God’s Gracious Work
- God’s Guarantees (part 1)
- God’s Guarantees (part 2)
- God’s Guarantees (part 3 of 3)
- God’s Love: From Desiring to Enjoying
- God’s Processing Tunnel
- God’s Purpose in His Son
- God’s Salvation in a Person
- God’s Solution to the Economic Crisis
- God’s Way of Rest, Power and Consecration
- God’s Will for Your Life
- Grace All Sufficient
- Grace for Hurt Feelings
- Grace For Living
- Grace for the Believer’s Walk (Part 1 of 2)
- Grace for the Believer’s Walk (Part 2 of 2)
- Grace Sufficient
- Grace Teaches–Love Compels
- Grace Teaching Us – Part 1
- Grace Teaching Us – Part 2
- Grace Teaching Us – Part 3 (conclusion)
- Grace-Based Communion with God
- Grafted Branches
- Greater Works
- Great Grace
- Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity
- Growing Your Faith
- Grow Your Garden of Virtues
- Guidance For Meditation
- Handling Answers to Prayer
- Happiness is the LORD
- Happy Mothers Day
- Have Faith in God
- Heavenly Unity (Part 1)
- Heavenly Unity (Part 2)
- Help From Above (Part 1)
- Help From Above (Part 2)
- He Giveth More Grace
- He Is My Peace
- He Loved Me with a Cross
- Hidden Resources of the Heart
- Himself
- His Indwelling Presence
- His Indwelling Presence – Part 2
- His Indwelling Presence, Part 3
- Holiness By Grace
- Home Depot Discipleship?
- Honey Bees
- However: My Journey From Rejection and Sexual Brokenness to Acceptance and Fidelity
- How Can a Little Clay Pot Express God’s Glory? (Part 2)
- How Can a Little Clay Pot Express God’s Glory? (Part 3)
- How Can a Little Clay Pot Express God’s Glory? (Part 4)
- How Can a Little Clay Pot Express God’s Glory? (Part 5/conclusion)
- How Can a Little Clay Pot Express His Glory?
- How Can a Little Clay Pot Reflect God’s Glory? (Part 1)
- How Can I Exchange Emptiness for Fullness? pt. 1
- How Can I Exchange Emptiness For Fullness? Pt. 2
- How Can I Exchange Emptiness for Fullness? pt. 3
- How Can I Exchange Emptiness for Fullness? pt. 4 (Conclusion)
- How Christ Lived
- How Did Jesus Do What He Did?
- How Do I Act Like A Christian?
- How to Abide
- How to Age Gracefully
- How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 1)
- How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 2)
- How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 3)
- How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 4)
- How to Enjoy Daily Fellowship With God
- How to Find Fulfillment When Married (Part 1)
- How to Find Fulfillment When Married (Part 2)
- How to Get Free From Stubborn Guilt
- How to Have A Happy Valentine’s Day
- How to Have True Assurance, Part 1
- How to Have True Assurance, Part 2
- How to Have True Assurance, Part 3
- How to Honor the Lordship of Christ
- How to Overcome Disagreeable Emotions
- How to Overcome Sin – Scripturally
- How to Positively Influence Your Spouse
- Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret
- Humility and How I Obtained It
- Identified or Simply Interested?
- Identifying the Unpardonable Sin
- Imitating Christ
- Immanuel: God With Us (Part 1)
- Immanuel: God With Us (Part 2)
- Inspiration and Illumination
- Interceding by Faith
- Intimacy With Christ
- Intimate Love
- Invasion: Sinner Made Saint
- In Christ Interview With Pastor Jerry Halbrook
- In Christ Jesus (Grant)
- In Christ Jesus (Jones)
- In Christ Testimony
- Jars of Clay
- Jekyll or Hyde?
- Jesus Christ, Our Great High Priest
- Jesus Christ: My Full Salvation
- Jesus Christ: The Last Adam
- Jesus Christ: The Last Adam and Live-Giver
- Jesus Knocking
- Job: A Case Study On Suffering, Part 1
- Job: A Case Study On Suffering, Part 2
- Jonathan Edwards’ Personal Testimony
- Journey to the End of Self
- Joyful, Joyful
- Just Because You’re Mine
- Law and the Saint
- Learn to Discern – Part 1
- Learn to Discern – Part 2
- Lessons from The Titanic
- Let the Real You Stand Up
- Let Us Run
- Lifetime Guarantee
- Life in Christ: A Testimony (Part 1)
- Life in Christ: A Testimony (Part 2 of 2)
- Life’s Greatest Purpose
- Life’s Ultimate Purpose
- Life-Changing Forgiveness
- Living Above Your Circumstances
- Living By Faith
- Living by Grace through Faith
- Living in Beulah Land
- Living in Providence
- Living or Just Existing?
- Looking Unto Jesus
- Look and Live
- Lost and Found: The Personal Testimony of an Artist
- Love’s Intuitive Choice
- Love: Rest in God
- Made Right to Live Right: A Study of Justification (Part 2)
- Made Right to Live Right: A Study of Justification (Part 3)
- Made Right to Live Right: A Study of Justification, (Part 1)
- Managing Burdens
- Manifestations of the Flesh (Strategies of Living)
- Manifold Temptations and Manifold Grace
- Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Chapter 1)
- Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Chapter 2)
- Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Chapter 3)
- Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Chapter 7)
- Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Table of Contents)
- Marriage Myths and Wedded Wisdom
- Marriage Myths and Wedded Wisdom (Part 2)
- May The Word of God Dwell in You
- Measuring Things Differently
- Moral Cleansing
- More Testimonies From G.f.I.: First Person Accounts
- More than Conquerors
- More Than Conquerors
- More Than Conquerors
- Motivated By Love
- Motivated by Love: An Egyptian’s Testimony
- Motivations For Choosing God’s Best
- Mountain Moving Faith
- Much More in Christ
- My Journey to Discover Christ as Life
- My Journey: A Testimony of Restorative Grace
- My New Life (Part 1)
- My New Life (Part 2 / Conclusion)
- My Pilgrimage From Body Builder to Body Edifier
- My Search for a Grace-Led Life
- My Spiritual Pilgrimage
- My Testimony
- My Testimony
- My “Exchanged Life” Testimony
- Obedience-Oriented Education, Part 1
- Obedience-Oriented Education, Part 2
- Obedience-Oriented Education, Part 3
- Obedience-Oriented Education, Part 4
- Obedience-Oriented Education, Part 5
- Obeying from the Heart
- One Day At A Time
- Only a Sinner?
- On Asking “Why”?
- On Pure Love
- Open Your Mouth Wide
- Optimistic Gratitude
- Our Adequacy in Christ
- Our Enemy–The Flesh (Part 1)
- Our Enemy–The Flesh, Part 2
- Our Great Teachers
- Our Identity in Christ
- Our Wealth in Christ
- Overcoming Spiritual Depression
- O Little Town of Bethlehem
- Paradigm Shift
- Passing the Tests of Temptation, Part 1
- Passing the Tests of Temptation, Part 2
- Passing the Tests of Temptation, Part 3
- Passing the Tests of Temptation, Part 4
- Passive Righteousness Part 1
- Passive Righteousness Part 2
- Payday Someday – Part 1
- Payday Someday – Part 2
- Peace in Christ
- Personal Testimony
- Planning For Growth
- Power and Weakness
- Praise is Faith at Work
- Praise Points: An Invitation to Intimacy with God
- Praise Stories From the Files of Grace Fellowship Int’l
- Prayer and Abiding
- Prayer: From Duty to Delight
- Praying for Prodigals
- Praying with Thanksgiving
- Precise Directions
- Privileged Like Mary
- Proof of Identity
- Proof of I.D.
- Proposal For Local Church Counseling Ministry
- Protecting Your Thought Life
- Psychiatry and Inner Conflicts
- Psycho-spiritual Dissonance
- Radical Trust
- Raised and Ascended with Christ
- Rebounding
- Rebukes in Revelation
- Receiving Jesus as Life: A Testimony
- Reckoning On Our Union With Christ
- Reformation or Transformation?
- Relating Theology to Life
- Renewing Your Affections
- Renovated for Freedom
- Rescued and Fulfilled
- Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts, Part 1
- Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts, Part 2
- Resource For Righteousness
- Rest in a Restless Age
- Running the Race
- Running to Win the Prize
- Salt and Light
- Salt or Son?
- Sanctification by Faith
- Saved by His Life
- Saved From Public Opinion
- Say ‘No’ to the Scarecrow
- Schizophrenic Christians
- Scripture Memory Project
- Scripture Memory Project (KJV)
- Searching For Significance
- Search for Identity
- Secure in Christ
- Seeds of Forbidden Fruit, Part 1
- Seeds of Forbidden Fruit, Part 2
- Seeds of Forbidden Fruit, Part 3
- Selective Memory
- Self Reflections
- Self-Denial and the Daily Cross (Part 1)
- Self-Denial and the Daily Cross (Part 2)
- Self-Effort Must Go!
- Self-Esteem
- Serving God or Seeing God?
- Set Apart for God
- Set Your Mind
- Shaun’s Story
- Signs of the Times
- Sincere, but Sincerely Wrong: A Testimony
- Sin Ruled My Life
- Soaring on Eagles’ Wings
- Someone is Praying for You
- Sorting Your Self Out
- So Long, Self
- Special Places, Special People
- Spiritual Answers to the International AIDS/Drug Problem
- Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual Navigation: How to Discern God’s Will
- Spiritual Warfare Prayer
- Splashes of Grace: Living in the Overflow of His Goodness
- Steps in the Victorious Walk
- Steps to and in Victorious Living
- Strength in Weakness
- Supernatural Satisfaction
- Take Inventory (part 1)
- Take Inventory (part 2)
- Taking God at His Word
- Taking Up Your Cross Daily
- Tearing Down Strongholds
- Tearing Down Strongholds, Part 2
- Testimony
- Testimony
- Testimony of a Pastor’s Wife
- Testimony of Brent
- Testimony of Living by Grace
- Testimony of Paul and Vicki Cardarella
- Testimony of T. Austin-Sparks
- Testimony: Relief from Stress (in South Africa)
- Testimony: My Journey to the Cross
- Thanksgiving from Our “In Christ” Position
- Then Came Amalek
- The Abundant Life Testimony of Luis Palau
- The Antivirus Program
- The Apostle Paul: Chief Sinner or Saint?
- The Art of Understanding Your Mate
- The Balanced Diet Reading Plan
- The Balance of Obedience
- The Balance of Obedience (Part 2)
- The Basis of Your Identity
- The Battleground of the Soul (Part 1)
- The Battleground of the Soul (Part 2)
- The Believer and God’s Moral Law
- The Believer As God’s Tabernacle
- The Believer As God’s Tabernacle (Part 2)
- The Believer’s Fellowship With Christ
- The Believer’s Fourfold Union With Christ
- The Believer’s New Heart
- The Believer’s Secure Refuge
- The Bell
- The Bias of Degeneration
- The Blameless Life
- The Blessed Person
- The Blessing of Brokenness
- The Blessing of the Cross
- The Body as an Offering
- The Book of Esther: Pictures of the Spiritual Life
- The Bridegroom
- The Burden of Wandering
- The Case of the Displaced Person
- The Chariots of God
- The Christians Choice: Self-Life or Christ-Life. Which?
- The Christian’s Confession of Sins
- The Christian’s Secret of A Happy Life, Chap 3: the Life Defined
- The Christ Centered Life: Desire and Destiny
- The Christ-Centered Life (Part 1)
- The Christ-Centered Life (Part 2 of 2)
- The Church: A View From Above, Part 1
- The Church: A View From Above, Part 2
- The Comforter has Come
- The Creation of a Christian
- The Cross and the Overcoming Life
- The Cross and the Spirit
- The Cross and the Spirit-Filled Life (part 1)
- The Cross and the Spirit-Filled Life (part 2)
- The Cross Day By Day
- The Cross Day by Day
- The Cross Versus the Self-Life (Part 1)
- The Cross Versus the Self-Life (Part 2 of 2)
- The Cure For Apostasy
- The Cure For Apostasy Part 2
- The Daily Affirmation of Faith
- The Decision of Identification
- The Deeper Christian Life, Chapter 2: Privilege and Experience
- The Dimensions of the Cross, Part 1
- The Dimensions of the Cross, Part 2
- The Dimensions of the Cross, Part 3
- The Dimensions of the Cross, Part 4
- The Divine Secret of Mutuality
- The Divine Side of Sanctification
- The Doctor is IN
- The Easy Yoke
- The Exchanged Life
- The Faithful God
- The Faithful God (part 1)
- The Faithful God (part 2)
- The Faithful God (part 3)
- The Freedom of Spiritual Habits
- The Freedom of the Christian
- The Fullness of Life
- The Gift of a New Heart
- The Gift of God’s Rest
- The Gift of God’s Son
- The Gift of Victorious Life
- The Glory of this Mystery
- The Good News of God’s Love for Everyone—Including You
- The Gospel For the Believer (Exposition of Romans 5-8), Chapter 1
- The Gospel For the Believer (Exposition of Romans 5-8), Chapter 2
- The Gospel For the Believer (Exposition of Romans 5-8), Chapter 3
- The Gospel For the Believer (Exposition of Romans 5-8), Chapter 4
- The Gospel of Rest
- The Grace Conductor Pattern
- The Grace of the Cross
- The Grammar of Galatians 2:20
- The Great Advocate
- The Great Exchange
- The Great I AM
- The Great Problem-Solver
- The Great Restoration Project
- The Happiness of Man with God
- The Healing Touch of God’s Grace
- The Holy Spirit and the Cross
- The Imparted Life
- The Indwelling of Christ (Part 1)
- the Indwelling of Christ (Part 2)
- The Indwelling of Christ (Part 3)
- The Indwelling of Christ (Part 4)
- The Indwelling of Christ (Part 5/conclusion)
- The Indwelling Presence
- The Initial and Continual Exchange
- The Journey into Canaan
- The Journey: A Personal Testimony – Part 1
- The Journey: A Personal Testimony – Part 2
- The Larger Christian Life
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, a Table of Contents
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 10: Filled With the Holy Spirit
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 1: Sin
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 2: No Condemnation
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 3: Life
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 4: Liberty
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 5: Sanctification
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 6: Conformity to the Death of Christ
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 7: Conditions of Power
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 8: Watchfullness
- The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, Chapter 9: Conflict
- The Law of the Spirit of Life
- The Law, Our Tutor
- The Leading of the Lord: A Spiritual Autobiography
- The Liberty of Sonship
- The Life of Faith – part 2
- The Life of Faith (part 1)
- The Life of Faith (part 3)
- The Life of God in the Soul of Man
- The Life Side of the Cross
- The Light of the World
- The Line
- The Litmus Test of Christian Counseling
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Part 1)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd ( Part 2)
- The Love Chapter
- The Main Person
- The Meaning of ‘Curare’
- The Messiah has Come
- The Messiah’s Words for the Weary
- The Middle Miracle
- The Ministry of Intercession
- The Mission of Salvation and Sanctification
- The Mystery of Godliness
- The Nature of Our Ministry: Classic and Contemporary
- The Nature of Saving Faith
- The New Birth
- The Normal Christian Life, Chapter 3: the Path of Progress: Knowing
- The Normal Christian Life, Chapter 4: the Path of Progress: Reckoning
- the Overcomer’s Covenant in Christ
- The Parable of the Pies
- The Perfected and Progressive Aspects of the Believer’s Sanctification
- The Perfect Humanity of Jesus Christ
- The Positive Characteristics of A Mind At Ease
- The Power of Christ’s Resurrection
- The Power that Works in Us (Part 1)
- The Power that Works in Us (Part 2/Conclusion)
- The Price and Power of Redemption
- The Priority of My Life and Ministry
- The Privilege of Access
- The Quest for Identity: A Testimony
- The Rainbow of Redemption
- The Receptivity of Faith
- The Relationship Between the Terms “Old Man” and “Flesh”.
- The Relevance of Mary’s Faith
- The Rest of Faith
- The Resurrection and Justification
- The Resurrection Life
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ—A New Beginning
- The Revelation of God
- The Right But Difficult Choice (Part 1)
- The Right But Difficult Choice (Part 2)
- The Robes of Christ’s Righteousness
- The Roots of Insecurity Part 3
- The Roots of Insecurity Part 5
- The Roots of Insecurity Part 4
- The Roots of Insecurity (Part 1)
- The Roots of Insecurity (Part 2)
- The Roots of Insecurity (Part 6)
- The Secret of A Relaxed Grasp
- The Secret of Christlikeness
- The Secret of the Indwelling Christ (Part 1)
- The Secret of the Indwelling Christ (Part 2)
- The Secret of Victory
- The Secret of Victory, Part 1
- The Secret of Victory, Part 2
- The Secret of Victory, Part 3 (Conclusion)
- The Secret Unveiled
- The Seeds of Forbidden Fruit, Part 4 (Conclusion)
- The Selfer’s Prayer
- The Signs of Christ’s Birth
- The Snare of Pride
- The Sovereignty of God and the Responsibility of Man: A Quest For Balance
- The Sphere of New Life
- The Spiritual Nature of Identification with Christ
- The Spiritual Solution to Ethnic Strife
- The Stinkin’ Visitor
- The Supernatural Transfusion
- The Surrendered Life
- The Testimonies of Bethlehem
- The Testimony of Rosalind (Mrs. Jonathan) Goforth
- The Testimony of Todd and Teresa Long
- The Theology of Christmas
- The Transforming Power of God’s Grace
- The Treadmill Christian
- The True Dispositions of the Christian life
- The True Meaning of Christmas
- The Trustworthiness of God’s Word
- The Two Aspects of Christ’s Death (Part 1)
- The Two Aspects of the Cross
- The Two Aspects of the Cross (Part 2)
- The Two Covenants
- The Two Covenants – Part 2
- The Two Sufficients
- The Ultimate Blessing
- The Ultimate Gift
- The Use of “Old Man” in Ephesians 4:22
- The Value of Humility
- The Victory (Part 1)
- The Victory (Part 2)
- The Victory (Part 3)
- The Vine and the Branches
- The Vine and the Branches Parts 3,4
- The Vine and the Branches (Part 5)
- The Virgin Birth of Christ (Part 1)
- The Virgin Birth of Christ (Part 2)
- The Virgin Birth of Christ (Part 3)
- The Vitality of Hope
- The Wheel
- The Whole-Hearted Christian – part 1
- The Whole-Hearted Christian – part 2
- The Witness of Angels
- The Yielded Life (part 1 of 2)
- The Yielded Life (part 2 of 2)
- This Thing Is From Me
- Three D Sanctification
- Three Tenses of Salvation (part 1)
- Three Tenses of Salvation (part 2)
- Three Tenses of Salvation (part 3)
- Total Surrender
- To All the Saints
- To Me to Live is Christ
- Transformational Grace
- Transforming Irritations
- Transplanted for Spiritual Growth
- Trusting Christ As Your Life
- Trying to Live Independently
- Twelve Stones of Remembrance
- Two Deaths…Then Life
- Walking By Grace
- Walking in the Spirit
- Watchman Nee’s Discovery
- Were You There?
- We Can’t, But He Can
- What Child Is This?
- What Happened to You?
- What If: Love Unveiled in Power Disguised
- What is Christian Counseling?
- What the World Needs Now Is Love
- What’s the Difference? the Message of the Victorious Christian Life
- What’s Your Sign? The Alternative to Astrology
- Where Has All the Power Gone?
- Who Am I in Christ
- Who Caused the Death of Christ? (Part 1)
- Who Caused the Death of Christ? (Part 2)
- Who Is Sufficient?
- Who Is Sufficient?
- Why Christians Get Sick
- Why Christians Get Sick, Part 2
- Why God Intervened
- Why God Sent His Window
- Why God’s Glory is in All Creation
- Why the Coach Saw A Cross
- Windows of Prayer
- Wisdom and Gender Identity
- Work Out Your Own Salvation