Trusting Christ As Your Life

“As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.” (Col 2:6).

In Dr. Charles Solomon’s book Handbook to Happiness, we see the parallel between salvation by grace and abundant living by grace: “We entered into salvation by grace through faith; we enter into identification (with Christ) in precisely the same manner. Our salvation in all its states is grace at the beginning, grace at the end, and grace all the way through. We are not worthy to be saved from sin; neither are we worthy to be saved from self. But God in his infinite mercy deigns to have fellowship with us as redeemed sinners and to fill us with his life, love, and power in order that he may be glorified.” (p. 76).

It seems too common that we receive this wonderful salvation as a gift of God, but then try (perhaps unconsciously) to live the Christian life by our own efforts. The Galatian Christians got sidetracked the same way. The apostle Paul corrected them: “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?” (Gal 3:1-3). The world system constantly influences us to be self -reliant instead of Holy Spirit -reliant.

This testimony from a mother discipled through an Exchanged Life Counseling ministry illustrates the joy of trusting Christ as our Life. “With Jesus in me, I look forward to what the day is going to bring. It is awesome to watch JESUS work. Even when I don’t know what is happening, I can trust JESUS in me. And that is rest. Life is not always harmonious. Even though evil surrounds you, JESUS the conqueror lives inside. Everything doesn’t have to be rosy in order for JESUS to move. HE is there all the time, moving all the time. JESUS is always with us whether we feel it or not. It is the consciousness of HIS PRESENCE. CHRIST’S life in us is one of humility, service, worship, sacrifice… The cry of my heart has been for JESUS to have full reign of HIS life in me. I humbly bow before Our Heavenly Father, for His hand of mercy upon my life. Because now it is no longer my life – but CHRIST’S life living through me. PRAISE GOD!” (from Crossways to Life newsletter –

Our Father, we rejoice in your matchless grace that has caused us to pass from death into life. Illumine us to surrender and trust You fully, that your gracious Holy Spirit may reveal Christ’s life in and through us. Amen

Originally entitled, “Walking By Grace Through Faith”

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