Signs of the Times

“And there shall be … distress of nations, with perplexity … . Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth … . Look up, and life up your heads; for your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:25-26,28).


“Everything seems to be falling apart! Why can’t somebody do something?” “What is going to happen to us?” People everywhere are becoming distressed, overwhelmed, and distraught over the myriad of problems that exist in the world today. Our leaders, with all their plans and promises, are not always able to deliver. In fact, things sometimes get worse instead of better. The outlook for the future is not too bright either–at least according to most polls and pundits. Therefore, people are becoming anxious and fearful in anticipation of impending disaster. They are confused and perplexed over what to do about all this.

The effect is that more and more people are growing weary and faint because of current world events, and the prospects of things getting even worse. The stressors of life are escalating. The fear of losing one’s job, savings, house, marriage, health, and even one’s life is causing many people to be stressed out. Medical science has determined that when stress is not properly dealt with, it can result in physical and psychological illness (depression, panic attacks, heart attacks, etc.), which can sometimes be fatal. All of this is exactly what Jesus predicted!


So, what’s new? Ever since “The Fall of Man” flawed humanity, under the curse of sin and death, has experienced the blunders of mankind. To err is human!

Ironically, most people are still looking to humans to solve the world’s problems. Some think the scientists will do it, others expect government to be the answer, and many hope that the President can resolve things. But alas, in spite of all man’s abilities and technological advances, the world’s problems continue to escalate.

God explained why through the prophet Jeremiah: “The arm of flesh will always fail us.” Therefore, you must stop looking to mankind for the answer! Look up! Lift up your head from that downcast stupor, for your redemption is readily available. Redemption involves being saved, rescued, salvaged, delivered, and made whole: both now and for evermore. This is an impossible task for anyone except God Almighty! Thus, He sent you The Redeemer–Jesus Christ the Lord! Jesus offers this comforting word, “Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1). Only He can alleviate the effects of the troubles that cause you to be faint hearted.

Therefore, look to God in faith, and entrust your life to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He will take care of every detail of your life. Rest assured, you are safe and secure in Him, no matter what happens!


From TGIM – Thank God It’s Monday!, (March 24, 08). Used by permission

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