Because He Lives

“When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” (Colossians 3:4)

The promise of the Lord’s second coming has comforted the church since it was born. Confidence in His return permeates the New Testament, but the particular emphasis in Colossians 3:4 is that the promise rests in the fact that He has been raised from the dead and is alive today.

This most salient event is often relegated to one significant date in the third or fourth month of the year. It appears to be regarded as an almost obscure event, because the church in general does not celebrate it more regularly. It should, however, be recognized every Lord’s Day, since that day is itself a celebration of the day Christ was raised from the dead. His day should not be concluded without a reminder that He is no longer on the cross or in the tomb, but alive forever! Not only that, but if He is not raised, then we are still in our sin, our preaching is in vain, our faith useless, we are of all people most miserable, and we have not hope in this world or that which is to come (see 1 Cor. 15).

Colossians 3:4 states another important truth on which the Christian life rests. We use the phrase “the Christian life” without stopping to realize that it is indeed the only life! We have become accustomed to hearing of “life” in so many connotations that we miss the impact and meaning of the designation. Eternal life, Spirit of life, newness of life, endless life, crown of life, and many others can be added to such a listing.

Few more profound descriptions are given in the many discourses on our salvation that the fact that Christ is our life. The gift of salvation is not eternal life without Christ. It is Christ! Being saved is not everlasting life with Christ. It is Christ. Christ is life because He is God. Existence without Christ is death. To be separated from God is death. Just as John writes, “He who has the Son has life.”

Because Christ is our life, His indwelling allows us to walk in this world in the power of His life. “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me,” is Paul’s testimony. It is not my peace, joy, strength, love, patience, kindness, or gentleness, but the graces of Christ who is living in me that await manifestation. What Jesus Christ gives, He is! And He is life.

Father, thank you for giving me Your life in Your Son. I realize that if I did not have Christ I would exist in death. I now live because He lives!


from: Blessings All Mine and 10,000 Besides! (July 31st in this collection of daily devotionals) Available through 1-888-338-7809. Emmaus Correspondence School is an excellent source for affordable Bible study courses that are available in many languages.