The Testimony of Todd and Teresa Long

Todd was born and raised in Knoxville, TN. He was saved at the age of 10 in total brokenness and surrender before the Lord. His family moved south when he was 13. His father and many others from Knoxville were transferred to Greenville, AL to establish new industry there. Upon this move, Todd linked up with new friends. As time progressed, they became involved in street drugs (which was the cool and in thing to do in the 80’s). Thus began a long journey for him.

Teresa was born and raised in Greenville, AL. She attended Greenville Academy and was raised to learn and know about God through Christian Curriculum and a Godly family. She didn’t receive salvation until later in life. She met Todd during this time of drug abuse. They fell in love at the early ages of 16 and 21. Thus began a long journey for her.

Todd and Teresa dated four years and were married on May 15, 1992. The marriage started out very rocky as they both had major spiritual bondage, one still being unsaved. Four years into the marriage led them deeper and deeper in a spiral downward. The birth of their daughter on November 11, 1993 was the only thing that would hold them together at times. Todd had conquered his drug addiction before the marriage but there was still a lot of emotional bondage in his life. Teresa was unregenerate and ended up in an extra-marital affair. Her roots of understanding and knowing there is a God and her conscientiousness toward Him led her to the foot of the cross. The family began attending Southside Baptist Church in Greenville, AL where she found salvation in her Lord Jesus Christ. Todd came in brokenness and repentance toward God for his rebellious ways. Thus began a spiritual journey for Todd and Teresa.

Teresa was in the work force at this time. By supernatural means, God took her out of the work force and began to set her apart for ministry. She learned the exchanged life principles while attending a home Bible study with a group of old school friends and others from her church. John 12:24-25 became clear to her and she realized that she must die to all that she was so that Christ could be her all in all and live His life through her. Teresa fully surrendered her life to Him. She began to fall on her face in this new Promised Land relationship; fully seeking His will. One morning in prayer and meditation, God clearly spoke to her spirit and said, “Feed my Sheep.” It was not an audible voice but a still, small voice inside her spirit. She held onto this promise as God began an important move for her and her husband.

In moving back to Tennessee, God began the healing process for Todd and Teresa. They attended marriage counseling at First Baptist Church of Powell, Tennessee where the truths of the cross became even clearer. This same revelation of Christ as life progressively became known to Todd during this time. They both began attending the training events offered by Grace Fellowship International. Teresa began the course of studies at GFI’s Counseling Institute in obedience to God concerning her call into ministry. God confirmed this call again in October of 2005 through His promise in Ezekiel 34:11-16. Upon times of discouragement, God would reconfirm His call to Teresa, once in a miraculous way. In July of 2006, in an hour of agonizing prayer to understand God’s will for her life, she asked Him to show her clearly that she was following Him in obedience. Two hours later she attended a worship service. The preacher stood and told of a burden that he had from God to preach this certain message. Bibles were opened and Ezekiel 34:11-16 was read along with Psalm 23. The message was concerning feeding God’s sheep in the green pastures and how He takes care of His own. God miraculously reconfirmed His special call to Teresa. The long burden that the preacher had was surely the burden God held all along to soothe her heart and mind in time of doubt.

Todd began ministry with men that struggled with drug and alcohol addiction in July of 2005. This was a burden that he had on his heart from the beginning of the couple’s spiritual journey. The spiritual gifts of mercy, encouragement, and service that was given to Todd has been effective in the lives of many that have been turned from drug and alcohol addiction to faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Todd and Teresa praise God for His sovereign and loving hand on their lives. They are grateful for His mercy and grace that has been bestowed upon them in a mighty fashion and desire to share that same love and grace to a lost, dying, and hurting world. You can learn more about their ministry by visiting

“We want to say a special thank you to our friend and mentor, John Woodward, for taking us under his wing at GFI and teaching us so much about the abiding life we have in Christ. We are thankful for Dr. Charles Solomon and his Christ-Centered approach to counseling and we are also thankful for our Pastor, Phil Jones. His dynamic and spirit filled teaching has transformed our lives.”


July 24, 2007

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