T Austin-Sparks

The Battleground of the Soul (Part 2)

By T Austin-Sparks

“Blessed are you, Simon … My Father (has revealed it unto you)” (Matt. 16:17; See vs. 13-25). “He [Jesus] … said unto Peter, Get behind Me, Satan” (Matt. 16:23). “Simon … Satan asked to have you … but I made supplication for you” (Luke 22:31-32). The Ground Of Satan’s Power (a) The World (b) Uncrucified…

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The Battleground of the Soul (Part 1)

By T Austin-Sparks

“Blessed are you, Simon … My Father (has revealed it unto you)” (Matt. 16:17; See vs. 13-25). “He [Jesus] … said unto Peter, Get behind Me, Satan” (Matt. 16:23). “Simon … Satan asked to have you … but I made supplication for you” (Luke 22:31-32). We have before us the spiritual history in the making…

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Christ, Our Life

By T Austin-Sparks

“When Christ, who is our life, shall be manifested…” Colossians 3:4 One of the main objects of the Holy Spirit is to get believers really identified with Christ as the risen and exalted Lord, and to make His risen life real in their experience. As the age moves towards its consummation–the manifestation of Christ–two features…

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