Christ, Our Life
“When Christ, who is our life, shall be manifested…” Colossians 3:4 One of the main objects of the Holy Spirit is to get believers really identified with Christ as the risen and exalted Lord, and to make His risen life real in their experience. As the age moves towards its consummation–the manifestation of Christ–two features…
Read MoreMy “Exchanged Life” Testimony
“Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe … For we … worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh, though I also might have confidence in the flesh. If…
Read MoreThe Positive Characteristics of A Mind At Ease
A biblical prescription for resolving stress, from a Christian medical doctor THERE are many verses and passages in the Bible which reveal to us some of the characteristics of a mind at ease; of these, perhaps the most helpful to consider is Matthew 11: 28,29. These well-known verses record for us the gracious invitation of…
Read MoreMy Journey: A Testimony of Restorative Grace
I grew up in a non-Christian home in North Carolina. My father was an alcoholic and my mother, well, she did the best she could. To make a long story short I was sexually abused from about age 5-10 and then again around age 13. This left some deep scars. When I was 21 I…
Read MoreAs a Bride Adorning Herself with Her Jewels
A Spiritual Life Testimony by Lynn Alford It started at a picnic (our call is to feast abundantly on Jesus; see Isaiah 55:2), so I now can see that a picnic was a perfect place to begin this feast that was to be greater than I could ever imagine. I had been a Christian for…
Read MoreFreedom from Addiction: A Testimony
The Strange Odyssey Of a Legalistic Preacher Who Became a Drunk, Discovered Grace And Was Set Free. . When I became a Christian in 1970 at the age of 33, I was really excited. This was what I had been looking for all my life. At last I had peace and something to live for.…
Read MoreAssurance: The Office of the Holy Spirit
THERE CAN be no adequate understanding of the purpose of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the world as long as one rejects the doctrine of eternal security [“perseverance of the saints”]. TO BE WITH YOU FOREVER Just before Jesus left this earth, He promised those that were His: “And I will pray the Father, and…
Read MoreThe Gospel of Rest
“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.” HEBREWS 4:9 THE keynote of this chapter is Rest. In the second verse it is spoken of as a gospel, or good news. And is there any gospel that more needs preaching in these busy, weary days, through which our age is rushing to its…
Read MoreGrowing Toward Spiritual Maturity
In many schools, all students get their pictures taken annually. After a few weeks, the school’s photographer sends home a sample, and then the parents decide if they want to purchase some. Each year the photos remind us of the subtle but remarkable growth of our children toward adulthood. A catalog features a picture frame…
Read MoreCorrecting Your Perception of God
Laura Raney tells the story of a couple of mischievous boys who had a misunderstanding about God: “Two young boys were forever getting into trouble …disrupting classes in school, teasing neighborhood children, taking what didn’t belong to them. One day their mother asked the pastor over to see if he could talk some sense into…
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