Treasure Chest
The Church: A View From Above, Part 2
In part one, we surveyed some foundational principles about the validity and purpose of Christ’s church. Now let’s look at the issue of our personal involvement in the local church. Although true believers in Christ have become part of the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13), some might still ask, is it really necessary to…
Read MoreThe Church: A View From Above, Part 1
When I was a member of a Christian musical group, we visited York, England. What I remember most about that city is the cathedral. I was awed by the grandeur, size, and architecture of that centuries-old church. What impressed the writer of Psalm 84 was the significance of the Old Testament temple. He testified of…
Read MorePrecise Directions
A friend who came to visit our family was dropped off in Toronto by his father. He planned to take the subway to the bus station, then catch a bus to our town in southern Ontario. He knew approximately where the subway station was, but asked someone on the street for directions. “I’ll bring you…
Read MoreThe Gift of Victorious Life
A joyous holiday season to all readers! The giving and receiving of gifts is woven throughout our generation’s celebration of Christ’s birth. Many of us fondly remember childhood holidays, family traditions, and gifts.[1] What is the greatest gift you have ever received? I’m not thinking of the kind presented in wrapping paper. Christians joyously declare,…
Read MoreGod in Us (Part 1)
Imagine that a hero was needed to save us from death, and that he had to come from the far edge of the Milky Way galaxy to do it. The trip of 70,000 light years would be hard to fathom. But if he arrived and then laid down his life to save us, what a…
Read MoreO Little Town of Bethlehem
Phillips Brooks was the minister of a church in Philadelphia when he wrote the lyrics of “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” He desired to have a special carol for the children to sing in their Christmas program. As he contemplated the nativity, Brooks recalled visiting Bethlehem while on a trip to the Holy Land in…
Read MoreYour Palette of Emotions
A young boy once wrote this note to a psychotherapist: “Dear Dr. Gardener, What is bothering me is that long ago some big person it is a boy about 13 years old. He called me turtle and I knew he said that because of my plastic surgery. And I think God hates me because of…
Read MoreJob: A Case Study On Suffering, Part 2
This brief survey of the book of Job is intended to provide a godly perspective on this problem of suffering. Rick Rood has observed: “It is unquestionably true that there is no greater obstacle to faith than that of the reality of evil and suffering in the world. Indeed, even for the believing Christian, there…
Read MoreWhy Christians Get Sick, Part 2
. We’ve been considering the complex question, Why do Christians get sick? Having discussed the cases of sickness unto death and sickness unto chastisement, we now focus another possibility. 3. Sickness unto the glory of God The concept of God being glorified through our sickness may sound strange. How can something as negative as…
Read MoreWhy Christians Get Sick
Do you ever wonder why people get sick? And in particular, Why do Christians get sick? Although spiritually healed by Christ’s stripes of crucifixion, believers get sick in ways that almost parallel nonbelievers (1 Pet. 2:24). I say the ways almost parallel non believers. In his book, None of These Diseases, Dr. S.I. McMillen gives…
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