Treasure Chest

The Witness of Angels

By John Woodward

“Angels we have heard on high,” “Hark, the herald angels sing”—the familiar Christmas carols contain many references to angels. Angels have become quite popular in modern culture as well. Many TV programs, movies, books, magazines, and collectibles involve angels. According to polls, most people believe in them, but what are angels? Are they only metaphors…

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Your Family Tree

By John Woodward

These days there is a growing fascination with tracing out one’s family tree. The Learning Chanel has produced the TV show about celebrities exploring their family tree–“Who Do You Think You Are? And web sites, like, provide historical databases for research. The challenge of discovering the family’s genealogy has become a mission for millions…

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Our Enemy–The Flesh, Part 2

By John Woodward

In part one we looked at a primary obstacle to abundant living in Christ–the problem of the “flesh.” The simple prescription of Galatians 5:16 is: “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” But how do we know when we are (or are not) being lifted by the Spirit…

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Our Enemy–The Flesh (Part 1)

By John Woodward

A plaque still hangs in a room at our church listing those from the congregation who died in World War II. When our children were asked by their school teacher to list any relatives who died in a military conflict, we had only one name to mention–my cousin, David. When there are minimal military conflicts…

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From Bitterness to Blessing

By John Woodward

Has life given you some sour mouthfuls of bitterness? This shocks the system. We usually assume that since God is a loving God, and we are His children by faith in Christ, that surely life will be a sweet experience right? But not on this side of Eden! About 3,200 years ago Naomi had a…

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From Glory to Glory

By John Woodward

I recall that, when I was a boy, I had a picture of a sailor in a ship on a stormy sea. An artist’s conception of Jesus was next to the sailor, encouraging him on the voyage. What intrigued me about the small card was the luminous cross in the scene. I would put the…

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Diligent to Rest

By John Woodward

Imagine a picture of resting. What would come to your mind? Perhaps a relaxing snooze in a hammock with a soft breeze wafting through the air,… or maybe sitting on a porch swing with a glass of iced tea… Rest is an important requirement for our physical, psychological, and spiritual well being. God designed the…

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Living in Beulah Land

By John Woodward

Have you been to a worship service lately that featured older hymns? In addition to contemporary praise songs and Scripture choruses, don’t neglect the time-tested hymns of the faith. Some folks use a hymnal for personal reading to enhance their devotional life. One of the lesser known hymns is titled Beulah Land. “Far away the…

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Soaring on Eagles’ Wings

By John Woodward

When we lived in southern Ontario, we enjoyed an inspiring treat each spring. We lived on the Niagara peninsula, between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. The hawks that migrate north for the summer pass right over that area. These majestic birds travel up the peninsula because there is a ridge that causes an upward wave…

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Motivations For Choosing God’s Best

By John Woodward

When our twin sons played soccer for a season in their childhood, they were introduced to team sports. During their stint in junior soccer league, they learned about the game and got a good workout. A first place finish for their team capped an exciting play off. I appreciated how their two coaches accepted the…

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