Could You Use a New Past?

“If anyone is in Christ he is Christ he is a new creation. Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:11).

What has passed way? What has become new for those in Christ?

When a person receives the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Savior, God takes him/her out of the lineage of Adam, and (positionally and spiritually) places them into the lineage of Christ–the Last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45; Rom. 5:12-21). A close study of the New Testament also reveals a marvelous, overlooked blessing. If you are in Christ, you also have a new past.

What?! In what sense does the believer get a new past? Not a chronological one, but a spiritual one. Ponder this with its implications…

  • Whereas each person has been born naturally into Adam’s line, the believer is reborn spiritually through being joined to Christ’s Life (1 John 5:10-12).
  • Whereas the unregenerate person was originally represented by Adam and therefore condemned, the believer is now in Christ–totally pardoned and credited with His righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21).
  • Whereas the natural person must live a life dominated by sin, the born again person in Christ is freed from sin’s authority (Rom. 6:6-8).
  • Whereas everyone has unique “self/flesh” conditioned by life experiences, rejection, and a quest for a meaningful identity, those who have been reborn have been made new spiritually–partakers of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4). They have the freedom and responsibility to “walk in the Spirit” (Gal. 5:16).
  • Whereas the unsaved person has been negatively affected by the disappointments of life (sin, victimization, futility, a shakeable identity, etc.), the person in Christ is identified by his/her union with Christ. This new life does not trace its lineage back to Adam; it is drawn from Christ’s eternal, holy lifeline. Therefore the believer has a “new past”!

As a child of God you are now free to renew your mind with God’s love, truth and a new spiritual identity. Although the chronological history has left an assortment of memories (and fleshly response patterns), these do not correspond with the new spiritual you, who has been created in righteousness and holiness! (Eph. 4:24).

“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God–and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30).

I first learned of this concept from my counseling mentor and associate, Charles Solomon, who wrote the following poem:


Living in a fallen world
Gives all a share of pain;
When children are abused
There is more to explain.
Perfect parents do not exist
Until we are all above;
While living on planet Earth
There’ll be a lack of love.

When lack of love is suffered
Children perceive rejection;
Though none may be intended,
The response may be dejection.
When anger is common fare
And is vented on a child,
The damage sustained within
May never be reconciled.

Though parents may be the source
A child can accept the blame;
The adult life may be lived
Out of an attitude of shame.
When the cause of problems deep
Is buried and escapes detection,
Those in a world of hurt
See no avenue for correction.

The treatment of choice today
Involves emotions and the mind;
Behavior change is sought
While to the Spirit we’re blind.
The body may be blamed–
A chemical imbalance in the brain;
The problem is seldom touched
Though there may be relief from pain.

Many choose to try escapes
With symptoms being addressed;
Short-term relief and pleasure
Allow the problem to be repressed.
The longer the problem’s avoided
The more the life is enslaved;
The power of sin is deceptive
Even though a person is saved.

When therapists are engaged
And attempt to untangle the mess,
The past with its myriad ‘issues’
Is a treasure trove to address!
But therapists addressing the past,
Like meteorologists and the weather,
May discuss it ‘til the cows come home
And still not know whither or whether!

When we’re willing to own the problem
And give the Spirit full sway,
He knows all that’s happened
And is capable of taking it away.
Salvation assures a new future
With a present unsurpassed;
To a glorious inheritance,
He graciously adds a new past!

While we were in Adam
His past and ours were merged; [1]
Now that we are in Christ,
To claim our freedom we’re urged. [2]
Though the hurts and pain of yesteryear
Are facts with which we’re dealing,
Losing our lives at the Cross
Is the only complete way of healing.

Our new life in Christ is
Replete with blessing and healing;
Not only a new destination
But also the Spirit’s sealing.
Our redemption is complete
The Lord Jesus said, “It is finished”.
Nor the past beclouds the future
His power is undiminished.

As one called to be an ambassador–
A messenger of reconciliation, [3]
I invite you to bury your past
At the Cross through identification.
It’s literally amazing what death will cure
Since resurrection life is its sequel!
In healing for past hurts and trauma
His life and power have no equal.

Come to the Savior and receive His life
In exchange for yours at the Cross;
Living out of past pain or success
Will inevitably cause you great loss.
The world, the flesh and the Devil
Will taunt you with your past;
But when you live out of Jesus’ life
Freedom will be yours at last! [4]

Let’s live in light of this freedom!

[1] Romans 5:12
[2] Romans 6:11,13
[3] 2 Corinthians 5:21
[4] Galatians 5:1

Charles R. Solomon, June 30,1999. This and other poems are published in his books, published by Grace Fellowship International.

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