Personal Testimony

About 8 months ago, I was plunged into agonizing suffering involving insomnia, depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, which I have never experienced before or knew existed in this world. In the span of three months, I did everything I could to get better. I read a self-help psychology book, I prayed to God for help, read a lot of the Bible, researched like crazy on the internet for help, was prescribed 6 different drugs from the doctor, and was even admitted into a mental hospital for suicidal patients for 2 weeks. All the help the world had to offer mysteriously had the opposite effect on me; instead of getting better, I grew worse. Towards the end of the third month, I felt hopeless and I had lost 15 pounds. I felt like I was alone at the bottom of a dark pit and couldn’t get out. My depression was so thick and dark that I felt as though my spirit had left my body and now my body was just a robot going through the motions. My anxiety and panic attacks were so bad that my chest was in pain. My mind was tortured with constant fears and most of the time I could not focus on anything besides my fears.

Seeing no way out, I reviewed my life insurance plan and thought to end myself, but I was scared of killing myself before God. My heart broke whenever I thought about leaving my family without a dad and husband, but I didn’t know what else to do because I was tortured day and night. Then at the end of three months of suffering, not knowing what to do, I simply gave up and stopped trying. God brought me to the absolute end of myself. By the grace of God, the next day my depression lifted. But, my mind was still tortured with all the fearful thoughts; I still suffered from insomnia, and I was still constantly plagued with powerful suicidal thoughts. Also, my anxiety and panic attacks were still causing sharp pain in my chest bringing me to my knees in tears throughout the day.
It was at this time the Lord used my blessed dad to give me a book called, Handbook to Happiness, by Dr. Charles Solomon. This book miraculously explained what I was going through, and what God was doing in me. A light switch turned on. I received counseling from my dear brother Dr. John Woodward from the author’s ministry, Grace Fellowship International. Along with his and my dad’s help, I started to read and listen to many other resources and they all pointed to the same solution: To die to myself and let Christ live His life through me. I realized this was the primary reason I was going through this trial. God showed me through Galatians 2:20, Romans 6-8, and other verses that I died with Jesus 2,000 years ago and that it was no longer I who lived, but Christ who lives in me.
But the problem was, my flesh, or the self-life, was battling the Spirit of Christ dwelling in me for control over my mind and body. The only way to hand over control to Jesus was for my flesh to be put to death, and I realized only God could do this for me. Then Jesus slowly and graciously brought me to a point of complete surrender to Him. God enabled me to give up all my rights, to be healthy, respected, comfortable, loved, appreciated, receive good things, have a family, have friends. I gave up all my hopes, dreams, career aspirations, goals, what I thought was best to serve God, my right to take my own life, and everything else. I was utterly and completely melted before God. Then, the Holy Spirit led me to literally act on Romans 12:1 and offer myself as a living sacrifice to God to do with me whatever He pleased, not caring whether I lived or died. Then, I made up in my mind to stop trying and understand, but instead fully trust God with everything.
It was here I was challenged to whether I truly believed in the promises in the Bible or not. I knew if the promises in the Bible were not true, I would surely die. Over the months, I wrote down many promises in Bible that pertained to me and I meditated on a couple of them at a time all day and hung onto them with my life. The three most powerful promises that I hung onto with my life were and still are: His grace is enough for me at all times from 2 Corinthians 12:9, He uses all things for my good from Romans 8:28, and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me from Galatians 2:20. I took the promises in the Bible by faith, hung my life on them, and jumped into the abyss expecting God to catch me.
After this revelation, I was still in agony and suffered greatly, but now I had hope in God. As I hung onto His promises and repeatedly took my leap of faith into His hands every 15 minutes or so just to survive, God started to slowly restore my mind and soul. The first month was very painful, but He started to breathe life into me. He started to increase my faith and gave me more hope through His promises in the Bible. When I rebuked the suicidal thoughts in my mind in the name of Jesus Christ, those thoughts stopped completely. So, it was there I realized those suicidal thoughts were not from me, but were from the devil. I was then able to rebuke the fearful thoughts away in Jesus name. That was a crucial discovery.

Over the next 3 to 4 months, God miraculously restored me. He removed the pain in my chest, stopped the panic attacks, restored my sleep, freed me from all medications, and gave me peace of mind. He lovingly blessed me through this suffering. I now know and believe Jesus died on the cross not only to save me from hell, but He also came to rescue me from this life by living His life through me. I now live by faith in my precious Lord Jesus, and no longer dare trust myself ever again. This is the “abundant life” Jesus spoke of in John 10:10 and Jesus’ command to deny yourself, carry your cross, and follow Him in Matthew 16:24. Dying to self and letting Christ live through us is something that must be done daily until we are done with this life. This truth is not just for me, but for every child of God in whom the Holy Spirit dwells.

If you are over-burdened right now and facing a seemingly impossible situation, I tell you the truth, that burden was never meant for you to carry but for Jesus alone. So I urge you to unload your burdens onto Jesus, and take His promises in Bible by faith. Your life is not your own for He purchased you with His blood. Your life now belongs to Jesus and He expects to live His life through you for His glory and your complete satisfaction.

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