Steps to and in Victorious Living

An Outline of Biblical Teachings after the Keswick Plan


1. A maintained communion with the Lord (John 14:23), and

2. A complete and constant victory over all known [intentional] sin (Rom. 6:6).

The Keswick plan is definite, complete, and progressive. It has a definite beginning, course, and culmination. Six successive steps are indicated, all of which are deemed important. The basis of all is the conviction that “the average Christian life is too often grievously destitute of real spiritual power, and is essentially carnal and that it is the duty and privilege of every child of God to enter at once into ‘newness of life,’ and walk henceforth in the power of Christ’s resurrection” (Phil. 3:10).

The First Step

Instant abandonment of [known] sin and of every weight which prevents or hinders holy Iiving (Eph. 4:22-24; Rom. 6:11-13; Heb. 12:1,2).

The Second Step

A deadly blow is aimed at SELF in its seven prominent forms (II Cor. 5:14,15).

1. Self-trust (Rom. 10:1,2).

2. Self-help (John 15:4-6).

3. Self-will (James 4:13,15).

4. Self-seeking (Matt. 16:24,25).

5. Self-pleasing (Gal. 6:14).

6. Self-defense (I Pet. 2:19-23; 3:16).

7. Self-glory (Gal. 6:14).

Crucified with Christ, I crucify the pleasures of ambition, avarice, covetousness, appetite, [humanistic] amusements (Eph. 5:11).

We are dead to ambition, save as we desire “to be found in Him.” Dead to avarice, save as we “covet earnestly the best gifts.” Dead to appetite, save as we “hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Dead to the alluring pleasures of the world.

A new practical center around which the life may revolve is found: HIS LIFE

I will seek in everything to please my Master, as the Lord and sovereign of my life.

I will seek in everything to please my neighbor, for his good unto edification.

The Third Step

The absolute surrender of the will to God in obedience (Rom. 10:9; I Cor. 12:3). “No man can serve two masters.”

The Fourth Step

The infilling of the Spirit, claimed by faith apart from feeling (Rom. 4:21).

(a) The infilling [indwelling] of the Spirit as a sealing (Eph. 1:13,14).

(b) The infilling of the Spirit for power (Acts 1:8).

( c) The infilling of the Spirit for teaching and holy service (Col. 3:16; I John 2:27) [Eph. 5:18].

The Fifth Step

The revelation of Jesus Christ as an indwelling presence (Matt. 28:20; John 14:17,23; Gal. 1:6; Heb. 11:17).

The Sixth Step

The privileges and victories of this higher and deeper life:

(a) The rest of faith (Rom. 5:1,2; Heb. 3:7; 4:11).

(b) Power over [intentional] sin ( I Cor. 15:56,57; Rom. 6:4; 8:2).

(c) Passion for souls (Rom. 9:1,2).

(d) Conscious fellowship with God ( I John 1:3).

(e) Growing possession of the promises (II Pet. 1:4).

(f) Prevailing prayer (John 15:7; Jas. 5:16, 18; I John 5:14,15).

“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (II Cor. 7:1).

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” (II Cor. 13:17,18).

“This leaflet, compiled substantially from an article by Rev. A. T. Pierson, D. D., in the NORTHFIELD ECHOES, Vol. IV, No.1, [was] published and distributed by the Bible House of Los Angeles, with the prayer, belief and hope that it will excite an inquiry and study of this very important matter, which will be greatly blessed to the members of the body of Christ (See Eph. 5:18,19).

In view of the great benefit derived from the study of, and obedience to the scriptural teachings herein outlined, we urgently advise Christians to procure copies of this leaflet for use in meetings, and general distribution among the members of the Church. Finally, We call attention to a plea from Dr. Pierson: “Let [this article] be multiplied by thousands and enclosed in every letter you write. No man knows how quickening may come to human souls through such simple means. They become “the seed of the Kingdom.’ ” – Osterhus Publishing.

“Thousands attend the Keswick Convention in Cumbria, England, July 17-Aug 6, 2010. The convention is an evangelical Bible conference that takes place each year.”-

Printed copies of this article are available from Osterhus Pub. House, 4500 W. Broadway Minneapolis, MN 55422 Toll Free: 1-877-643-4229.

“Arthur Tappan Pierson (March 6, 1837 – June 3, 1911) was an American Presbyterian pastor, early fundamentalist leader, and writer who preached over 13,000 sermons, wrote over fifty books, and gave Bible lectures as part of a transatlantic preaching ministry that made him famous in Scotland and England. He was a consulting editor for the original “Scofield Reference Bible” (1909) for his friend, C. I. Scofield and was also a friend of D. L. Moody, George Müller (whose biography ‘George Muller of Bristol’ he wrote), Adoniram Judson Gordon, and C. H. Spurgeon, whom he succeeded in the pulpit of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, from 1891 to 1893. Throughout his career, Pierson filled several pulpit positions around the world as an urban pastor who cared passionately for the poor.” – His classic exposition of Paul’s epistles, In Christ, is available in print from Grace Fellowship International.

Although Kewswick sanctification has its critics, none can deny the rich heritage of Bible teaching, spiritual growth, and the influential evangelical leadership associated with this devotional heritage. See The Keswick Story by John Pollock – This view is presented by J. Robertson McQuilkin (Columbia International University) in Five Views on Sanctification, ed., Melvin E. Dieter (Zondervan, 1987) a Review is online at

[The outline is a condensed summary of essentials that God has blessed at the historic Keswick weeks. It is not intended to be taken as an exhaustive treatment of spiritual growth or used legalistically. – JBW]

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