Dr. J. Charles Stern

The Secret of Victory, Part 3 (Conclusion)

By Dr. J. Charles Stern

God is Love, and so the third means of receiving His Resources is: Love and Faith John makes this clear in his epistle, I John 4:16: “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” I John 3:24: “He that keepeth His commandments dwelleth in Him and He…

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The Secret of Victory, Part 2

By Dr. J. Charles Stern

A very wonderful possibility opens up before us in a consideration of the nature of the Victorious Life… Practical Experience Will you permit me to bear a personal testimony? During the first World War, while serving with the Medical Corps, I became conscious of a great need in my life, for a more consistent testimony…

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The Secret of Victory, Part 1

By Dr. J. Charles Stern

A very wonderful possibility opens up before us in a consideration of the nature of the Victorious Life. Surely our hearts are stirred with new longing and desire as we contemplate the plan of our Lord Jesus Christ for each of His followers to be a centre of radiating life and power — a witness…

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