James Markey

Canaan and the Cross: The Testimony of James Markey (Part 2 )

By James Markey

Through prayer, meditation, and suffering I believe the Lord has led me back into Canaan. He is bringing healing and maturity to my mind, will, and emotions through the fellowship of His Spirit and His people. However, I know my stay here is not guaranteed. My flesh is always lurking and has an accomplice in…

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Canaan and the Cross: The Testimony of James Markey (Part 1)

By James Markey

I am from Fort Wayne originally. When I was 9 years old my parents divorced, my dad left the house, my mom went off to work, and my brother and sister went to college. I went from having a fairly normal family life to being all alone. I remember just feeling completely abandoned, ashamed, and…

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