John Woodward

Optimistic Gratitude

By John Woodward

“See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit” (1 Thess.5:15-19 NKJV, emphasis added). The life…

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Giving Thanks by Faith

By John Woodward

When I was 19, my friend Andy and I couldn’t resist climbing a hill. We were in California on tour with our Christian music group. The family who put us up for a day lived next to a hill that beckoned us to explore it. After climbing to the top, we we were awed by…

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Interceding by Faith

By John Woodward

On Mothers day our church choir sang an old hymn with this refrain: If I could hear my mother pray again, If I could hear her tender voice as then! So glad I’d be, ‘twould mean so much to me, If I could hear my mother pray again.[1] I agree … and so did devotional…

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Borrowing Credibility: An Audit of Evolutionist Arguments

By John Woodward

I recently went through a seminar called Redeeming Darwin: The Intelligent Design Controversy.[1] The four sessions give a clear analysis of the problems of the Neo-Darwinian model of explaining the universe, and summarize the case for Intelligent Design (ID). The latter is a research model on the obvious design and engineering that is evident in…

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The Balance of Obedience (Part 2)

By John Woodward

The issue of authority played out one night in the following way: The captain of the ship looked into the dark night and saw faint lights in the distance. Immediately he told his signalman to send a message” “Alter your course 10 degrees south.” Promptly a return message was received: “Alter your course 10 degrees…

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The Balance of Obedience

By John Woodward

“Obedience” is the key word in the current Missions emphasis in our local church … and denomination. It’s not surprising since this theme is central to the Great Commission: “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of…

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Jesus Knocking

By John Woodward

The story is told of a child’s sincere faith: A nurse on the pediatric ward, before listening to the little ones’ chests, would plug the stethoscope into their ears and let them listen to their own hearts. Their eyes would always light up with awe, but she never got a response equal to four-year-old David’s…

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Christ, Our Wisdom

By John Woodward

I once heard a silly story of two prison inmates who were trying to devise an escape plan. One got a brilliant idea and exclaimed to his friend, “I know, I’ll turn on this flashlight and point the beam over the wall, and you escape by climbing up the beam!” “How stupid,” his friend replied,…

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Dealing with Depression

By John Woodward

  “I am trapped in my own thoughts. I am a prisoner of my own brain. Today has been very emotional for me. Very bittersweet today. I can’t seem to breathe. I have been sighing all day to get a little relief. My chest feels like its gonna explode. My feelings are holding me hostage…

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The Believer and God’s Moral Law

By John Woodward

How should those “under grace” relate to God’s Moral Law? Students of grace truths do well to prayerfully think through this issue. The question is: Was the Moral Law (as revealed in the Old Testament and pre-Calvary Scripture) canceled by the New Covenant? No Moral Law for the Christian today? A popular grace author criticized…

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