John Woodward

How Christ Lived

By John Woodward

We continue our theme of Jesus Christ as our perfect example. Jesus not only exemplified the ideal standards of motive, words and deeds, He also exemplified the dynamic of HOW God intends for His people to live. As Ian Thomas has written, “Now if it is true that he Lord Jesus Christ will live His…

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Imitating Christ

By John Woodward

The story is told that President Calvin Coolidge invited some people from his hometown to dinner at the White House. Since they did not know how to behave at such an occasion, they thought the best policy would be just to do what the President did. The time came for serving coffee. The President poured…

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The Resurrection Life

By John Woodward

At a Resurrection Day service a pastor declared, “More has been gained in the resurrection of Jesus than was lost in the fall.” David McCasland observed, “Each day we experience the damage caused by sin entering our world. Greed, injustice, and cruelty all trace their origins back to Adam and Eve’s decision to follow their…

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Biblical Family Values

By John Woodward

“Honest weights and scales are the LORD’S;All the weights in the bag are His work.” Proverbs 16:11 We hear so much talk about “family values,” but what are they?Here is a list to guide Christian parents in discipling their children. We are to value: 1. The Glory of God Isaiah 43:7; Ephesians 1:6 2. Salvation…

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Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Chapter 1)

By John Woodward

Introduction to Pastoral Counseling:An Exchanged Life Perspective “Man as Spirit Soul and Body; Trichotomy in Exchanged Life Counseling” by John Woodward Chapter One Christ’s Great Commission is for His people to make disciples of all nations and this mandate includes evangelism and teaching (Matt 28:19,20). One aspect of carrying out this task in the context…

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Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Chapter 2)

By John Woodward

BIBLICAL WORD STUDIES The Role of Word Studies Scholars have been emphatic about the limitations of the Bible as a source book for a system of biblical psychology. An example of this reluctance is the analysis of G. C. Berkouwer, as translated by Anthony Hoekema: “In the general judgment [of theologians] is that the Bible…

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Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Chapter 3)

By John Woodward

THEOLOGICAL MODELS OF MAN’S MAKEUP Monism Monism is the theological model that considers man as having only one part. Although soul and spirit are identified as aspects of human nature, they do not consist in separable parts of man. Monism opposes both dichotomy and trichotomy, the usual evangelical models of man. As Philip Hefner contends,…

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Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Chapter 7)

By John Woodward

A DEFENSE OF TRICHOTOMY Responses to Common Objections to Trichotomy Before concluding this study, the question needs to be faced: are the arguments against trichotomy unanswerable? Although some of these challenges have been indirectly addressed above, there needs to be an additional response to the criti-cisms of trichotomy. Below is a composite list of challenges…

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Man As Spirit, Soul, and Body (Table of Contents)

By John Woodward

Several chapters are available here for preview. The current edition is available an an e-book or in print at Grace Fellowship. “Man as Spirit, Soul, and Body; Implications for Exchanged Life Counseling” TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION … . … . . 1 Trends in Pastoral Counseling … . … . … 1 The…

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Scripture Memory Project (KJV)

By John Woodward

God promises special blessings to us when we memorize His Word. As Joshua was counseled by Moses, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will…

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