Norman Harrison

His Indwelling Presence, Part 3

By Norman Harrison

[In part one we considered “His Indwelling–Our Positional Sanctification”, and part two is about “His Indwelling–Our Experimental Sanctification.” After considering that THE SPIRIT’S INDWELLING OVERCOMES SIN IN US, we conclude this chapter on the practical and progressive side of the believer’s growth in Christlike character.] THE SPIRIT’S INDWELLING DEVELOPS HIS OWN CHRISTLIKE CHARACTER IN US.…

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His Indwelling Presence – Part 2

By Norman Harrison

[In part one we considered “His Indwelling-Our Positional Sanctification”] “By that will [God’s will] we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” [positional/spiritual] (Heb. 10:10). “For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified“ [experiential/practical] (Heb. 10:14). II. His Indwelling–Our Experimental Sanctification The…

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His Indwelling Presence

By Norman Harrison

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (I Corinthians 3:16). Summary The Apostle Paul; amazed at the inconsistencies existing among the Corinthian Christians, accounts for them in one of two ways: either th ey are ignorant of the fundamental facts of Christian…

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The Victory (Part 3)

By Norman Harrison

The Threefold Means of Victory It becomes evident that the secret of victory is simply the Abiding Life. As we abide we put ourselves in the way of appropriating every provision He has made for a life of victory. Were we able perfectly to abide in Him, our life would approximate His life. Could our…

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The Victory (Part 2)

By Norman Harrison

The Three Tense Victory The very soul of our Epistle [of 1 John] is the victory of the Christian life – the victory of a genuine Christian experience. – It is victory through our Lord JESUS CHRIST. – It is victory through the HOLY SPIRIT, in the reality of the Abiding Life. – It is…

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The Victory (Part 1)

By Norman Harrison

THE VICTORY – THREEFOLD AND THREE TENSE [A Study in 1 John] “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (I John 5:4) The experience of Light, Love and Life, as depicted by the Apostle, beautiful in its simplicity and wholly satisfying, is not altogether easy of attainment. It has its enemies.…

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