Missions/Church Leadership

Passing the Tests of Temptation, Part 3

By John Woodward

The Need for Power The Lord Jesus Himself stated that “the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” This does not excuse sin; it warns us the be prepared. How can we find the moral power to say “no” to temptation? Good news–God’s Holy Spirit is omnipotent (all powerful), and He lives in all…

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Passing the Tests of Temptation, Part 2

By John Woodward

The Test in Temptation It has been puzzling to me that there is only one Greek word for “temptation.” Greek is a precise language and often there are a few synonyms for each important term, yet peirazo means both temptation (enticement to sin) and testing (trial). Why is this? Essentially, whether we face a temptation…

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Passing the Tests of Temptation, Part 1

By John Woodward

The Test of Temptations When students are taking a course, they usually have to study to pass their tests. Even so, in the “school” of Christian discipleship we need to do some studying to prepare for the temptations that face us in a fallen world. Evidently, this instruction has been essential in parental training among…

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A Portrait of Discipleship, Part 2

By John Woodward

We have been comparing the process of discipling another person to a disciple’s framed portrait. The countenance of the portrait’s subject symbolizes the Spirit of Christ–the One who empowers and directs the spiritual life. And the sides of the “frame” represent four a basic elements involved in making disciples. Side 1. “Discipleship requires TEACHING.” Side…

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A Portrait of Discipleship, Part 1

By John Woodward

What brings you joy? A rise in the stock market? A lower golf score? An A on your exam? Fine dining at restaurant? While they may bring some temporary happiness, spiritual ministry provides abiding joy. The Apostle John declared: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John…

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