Devern Fromke

Transplanted for Spiritual Growth

By Devern Fromke

I stood looking at a shallow dish of water in which some kernels of corn were breaking and sending forth green shoots. In that moment something I had been trying to express came into mind so vividly. It was just as though the Lord were saying: “It is not nature’s design for kernels to remain…

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Life’s Ultimate Purpose

By Devern Fromke

“Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, But to Your name give glory, Because of Your mercy, Because of Your truth.” In order to have the right worldview–the true perspective on life–we need to grasp the ultimate purpose of our Creator. You don’t want to spend your whole life trying to climb the ladder…

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Praying for Prodigals

By Devern Fromke

A Mother shares the following: For several years I was asking God for help in dealing with my wayward son. We were a leading family in our church and it was most embarrassing for us. In spite of all my praying he seemed to increase his rebellion and reckless escapades. Then I discovered where I…

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God’s Gracious Work

By Devern Fromke

The Apostle Paul is very clear in writing to the church at Corinth: “And such [ungodly people] were some of you; but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, ye are Justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Cor. 6:11). Consider the different aspects of God’s…

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Falling in Love? (Part 2)

By Devern Fromke

How often we have heard the confession of some confused heart: “I just don’t love the Lord as I know I should.” Because the world’s sentimental notion of love has been imposed upon the church, many seem unable to manufacture that kind of religious emotion which they so often hear about in songs, sermons and…

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Falling in Love? (Part 1)

By Devern Fromke

A comparison and evaluation of the three kinds of love as they relate to courtship and marriage Has God intended that a Christian should fall in love?… …It seems there are two false notions that dominate the world’s thought about love. First of all there is the fatalistic notion as expressed in the phrase “fall…

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Why God Sent His Window

By Devern Fromke

IT WAS THE DIVINE IMPERATIVE. From the beginning, all mankind has desired a look at the God of the Universe. In recognizing this, historians have written about “the desire of all nations.” So in the “fullness of time” God sent His Son (Haggai 2:7; Gal. 4:4). When Jordan finished his evening prayer, he looked up…

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The Divine Secret of Mutuality

By Devern Fromke

[Jesus said to His disciples] “Before long, the world will not see Me anymore, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize I am in my Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you” (John 14:19,20 NIV). Great men know how to…

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The Right But Difficult Choice (Part 2)

By Devern Fromke

When the deacon humbly took a place beside Bill [see part 1], he was embracing an often-missed aspect of the cross: (1) Jesus died on the cross as the substitute for our sins… and we [as believers] are freely forgiven. (2) But equally as important, we died with Him on the cross… and we can…

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The Right But Difficult Choice (Part 1)

By Devern Fromke

After many years of serving the Lord there was fruit evident on his tree–patience, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control were obvious. But there was another character quality yet to be demonstrated when the deacon made… THE RIGHT BUT DIFFICULT CHOICE It is Sunday morning … Main Street … USA. Bill has made a choice to attend…

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