Devern Fromke

Why God Intervened

By Devern Fromke

In his autobiography, a well-known TV personality describes the time when he asked, “If God the Father is so all-loving, why didn’t He come down and go to Calvary?” His comment reveals that he really did not understand much about our Father. WHY GOD INTERVENED JOHN STOTT DESCRIBES … At the end of time, millions…

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Why the Coach Saw A Cross

By Devern Fromke

Seeing a shadow by the light of the moon changed his life. Was it mere coincidence or was it God’s special intervention? BECAUSE HE WAS THE SWIMMING COACH in a large college for men, they were puzzled by his unusual behavior. Each Thursday night as he arrived at the large indoor swimming pool he would…

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Why God’s Glory is in All Creation

By Devern Fromke

No one can ignore the intelligent design in God’s natural realm, for His fingerprints are manifest everywhere. God’s intervention is so evident in each level of creation as we shall see in this lesson. What the animal world does by instinct, mankind does by choice. Those of us who have a heart to appreciate and…

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