John Woodward

Biblical Ethics? Absolutely

By John Woodward

Who has the right to resolve the ethical controversies of our day, such as abortion, gay marriage, transgender hormones and sports competition, pornography, gambling, stealing, lying, etc?  Are ethics just a matter of cultural trends and personal opinion, or are there moral absolutes? Because our generation has answered this question foolishly, our culture is descending…

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The Good News of God’s Love for Everyone—Including You

By John Woodward

A Simple Gospel Outline “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16 Amplified Bible).   1. God really loves everyone.  “Say to them: ‘As…

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Wisdom and Gender Identity

By John Woodward

Identity is an essential aspect of our self image. In our post Christian society the belief in no absolute truth has allowed our culture to drift into extreme confusion and subjectivity. An example of the escalation in gender identity controversy is an Internet article posted this year that is titled “81 Types of Genders &…

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How to Age Gracefully

By John Woodward

Aging has my attention theses days. Perhaps because my grey hairs keep increasing. Receiving my my Medicare card last year made my “senior citizen” status somewhat undeniable! All who are past their prime in life are increasingly aware of the discouraging symptoms of physical decline. As Bill Gillham would say, our “earth suit” is wearing…

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The Grace Conductor Pattern

By John Woodward

Orchestra members recognize the importance of following the conductor. As a trumpet and French Horn player, I have fond memories of many concert experiences. Our high school band marched in halftime shows (at football games), parades and gave concerts. At Florida Bible College I was a member of the orchestra, and then began a two…

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The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life, a Table of Contents

By John Woodward

The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life by Evan H. Hopkins ContentsAppendix Notes A-E  Contents: Links to the chapters on Ch. 1. SIN Ch. 2. NO CONDEMNATION Ch. 3. LIFE Ch. 4. LIBERTY Ch. 5. SANCTIFICATION Ch. 6. CONFORMITY TO THE DEATH OF CHRIST Ch. 7. CONDITIONS OF POWER Ch. 8. WATCHFULLNESS Ch.…

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By John Woodward

Here are some additional diagrams that John uses in personal ministry: Self Life to Christ Life Commitment Selfers Prayer ______________________________________

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