Hannah Smith

How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 4)

By Hannah Smith

The way in which the Holy Spirit, therefore, usually works in His direct guidance is to impress upon the mind a wish or desire to do or leave undone certain things. The soul when engaged, perhaps, in prayer, feels a sudden suggestion made to its inmost consciousness in reference to a certain point of duty.…

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How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 3)

By Hannah Smith

[Review: 1. Our first test, therefore, of the Divine authority of any voice which may seem to speak to us, must be its harmony in moral character with the mind and will of God, as revealed to us in the Gospel of Christ. 2. The second test, therefore, to which our impressions must be brought,…

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How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 2)

By Hannah Smith

1. Our first test, therefore, of the Divine authority of any voice which may seem to speak to us, must be its harmony in moral character with the mind and will of God, as revealed to us in the Gospel of Christ. Whatever is contrary to this, cannot be Divine, because God cannot contradict Himself.…

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How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 1)

By Hannah Smith

If… your soul only needs to know the will of God in order to consent to it, then you surely cannot doubt His willingness to make His will known, and to guide you in the right paths. There are many very clear promises in reference to this. Take, for instance, John 10:3, 4: “He calleth…

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How to Overcome Disagreeable Emotions

By Hannah Smith

“How to Overcome Disagreeable Emotions” By Hannah W. Smith When the child of God has, by the way of entire abandonment and absolute trust, stepped out of himself into Christ, and has begun to know something of the blessedness of the life hid with Christ in God, there is one form of difficulty which is…

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The Christian’s Secret of A Happy Life, Chap 3: the Life Defined

By Hannah Smith

In my last chapter I tried to settle the question as to the scripturalness of the experience sometimes called the Higher Christian Life, but which to my own mind is best described in the words, the “life hid with Christ in God.” I shall now, therefore, consider it as a settled point that the Scriptures…

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