Ross Gilbert

Strength in Weakness

By Ross Gilbert

Weakness. Nobody enjoys feeling it. Society, at best, pities it; at worst, it condemns it. We often try and hide it, afraid what others will think about us if they ever found out about it. When asked about our weaknesses during a job interview we make up something silly like, “I work too hard, ”…

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Your Most Important Present

By Ross Gilbert

After October 31st Halloween was over, and do you know what that means? The stores will be filled with Christmas decorations! That’s right, nearly two full months before Christmas, there will be Christmas trees, nicely wrapped presents and pictures of elves and Santa Claus in stores everywhere. Stores put up these decorations for one reason…

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God’s Solution to the Economic Crisis

By Ross Gilbert

Everywhere we look today we see or hear about the world economic slowdown. It is all over the TV, the radio, the newspapers and most importantly on our minds. We continually see reports of the world’s financial markets plunging and each day seems to set a new record for losses in a single day. We…

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