
A Love Letter from the Heavenly Bridegroom

By John Woodward

“For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.” – the apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 11:2) “He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice.  – John the Baptist (John 3:29) [At the…

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Facing the New Year with Faith, Hope and Love

By John Glenn

“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). As I look forward to the New Year, I have mixed emotions. On the one hand I am ready for an exiting year of growth despite the challenges we may face, but on the other hand I…

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Counseling Phone Numbers

By A Anonymous

EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: When in sorrow, …………………………………………. When people fail you, ………………………………….. If you want to be fruitful, ……………………………….. When you have sinned, ……………………………….. When you worry, ……………………………………….. When you are in danger, ……………………………. When God seems far away, ……………………….. When your faith needs stirring, ……………………. When you are lonely and fearful, …………………. When you…

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The Art of Understanding Your Mate

By Cecil Osborne

A counseling outline TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR HUSBANDS [1] 1. Treat Your Wife With Strength and Gentleness. 2. Give Ample Praise and Reassurance. 3. Define the Areas of Responsibility. 4. Avoid Criticism. 5. Remember the Importance of “Little Things.” 6. Recognize Her Need for Togetherness. 7. Give Her a Sense of Security. 8. Recognize the Validity…

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Christ for Us (Part 2)

By Frances Havergal

[We continue to ponder the ways God is for His people as portrayed in the book of Hosea.] Secondly, to be shared with us. He says, ‘All that I have is thine.‘ He holds nothing back, reserves nothing from His dear children, and what we cannot receive now He is keeping for us. He gives…

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A Letter from Prison

By Raymond M

Dear Grace Fellowship, I am writing you from inside the Walla Walla state prison here in the State of Washington. I am 46 years of age and a first time offender. I am innocent of the charge of second degree assault that got me sent to this prison, but I praise the Lord Jesus that…

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Fallen into Legalism

By John Woodward

Some major airports have installed a system that helps passengers who must walk long distances in the concourses. The moving walkway (or moving sidewalk) functions like an escalator, but transports people horizontally, instead of at an incline. Passengers can stand or walk as this conveyor belt walkway carries them forward. I’ve enjoyed using them in…

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Living or Just Existing?

By Bill and Toni Morgan

Many people today go through life only existing. Why is that? What have they lost or what did they never have, that would put them in such a state? We experience this lack of life when we haven’t truly given Christ our all. You say, “I know He’s in control. He created everything, and since…

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Christ in You: A Conversation

By Global Recordings

[A conversation between two Christians reading Scripture and discussing the high standards set by God. Discovering the solution of “abiding in the Vine.”] Janet: “Oh, I see you are reading from the Bible.” Karen: “Yes, these words are like food to my soul. They give me strength.” Janet: “Read to me, friend. I also am…

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Resource For Righteousness

By David Kuykendall

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told His disciples that they were the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Then Jesus said of Himself: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say…

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