Treasure Chest

Walking By Grace

By John Woodward

“Amazing grace, shall always be my song of praise, For it was grace that bought my liberty; I do not know just why He came to love me so, He looked beyond my fault and saw my need.”[1] The words of that song gratefully acknowledge the wonderful blessing of God’s grace in the lives of…

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Keep the Faith

By John Woodward

“As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him” (Col 2:6). We sometimes use the expression “keep the faith!” to encourage steadfast endurance. How should we “keep the faith”? 1. Faith in salvation includes belief and trust. Belief denotes the idea of confidence in the truth, and trust denotes reliance upon…

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The Law, Our Tutor

By John Woodward

The preacher said “We all start out life naked and hungry, and it goes downhill from there!” Thankfully, the way we were born again in Christ has more of a basis for optimism! Colossians 2:6 draws an important comparison between the way the Christian life begins and how it should express itself in discipleship. “As…

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Christ, Our Redemption

By John Woodward

We conclude our study of 1 Corinthians 1:30 by focusing on Christ as our Redeemer. “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God –and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” All these spiritual blessing are graciously bestowed on the believer in Christ! To “redeem” involves securing someone’s release through…

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Christ, Our Sanctification

By John Woodward

Greetings from saint John. No, I’m not referring to the apostle, just your friend who writes these devotional articles. ” A saint?!” you say. Yes, that’s correct. Now you may be thinking that I’ve gotten a big head and is claiming sinless perfection or something. No, I’m still “forgetting those things which are behind, and…

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Christ, Our Righteousness

By John Woodward

We continue our meditation on 1 Corinthians 1:30: “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God –and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” Jesus is our righteousness! I recall that growing up we celebrated Easter by getting some chocolate and new clothes. As a youngster, the candy was the…

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Renewing Your Affections

By John Woodward

“Martin Lindstrom, an author and speaker, thinks that cellphones have become akin to a best friend for many owners. Lindstrom’s experiment using an MRI helped him discover why. When the subjects saw or heard their phone ringing, their brains fired off neurons in the area associated with feelings of love and compassion. Lindstrom said, ‘It…

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Your Daily Walk

By John Woodward

Walking has becoming a popular form of exercise these days. What was once a necessity is now a creative fitness adventure! Most enjoy teaming up with a friend for the benefits of conversation, encouragement and safety.   It is no coincidence that the Bible frequently describes the Christian life in terms of walking. For example…

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Balancing Our Walk

By John Woodward

Our daughters enjoyed some gymnastics when they were growing up. The balance beam looked pretty easy from a distance, but when you try to walk, turn and tumble on that narrow beam, balance is a real challenge! No wonder there are mats are around it. Our perspective on the abundant Christian living requires balance too.…

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Work Out Your Own Salvation

By John Woodward

I remember seeing a couple walking to the shore of Lake Ontario with ice skates, eager to enjoy some skating. I was surprised at the sight because I didn’t think there had been enough freezing weather for the ice to be thick enough to skate on. Confidence in the strength of the ice is vital…

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