Protecting Your Thought Life

An employee at a video rental store recalled the following incident: “I mentioned to a customer that her son already had a film out. ‘What film’? she asked. Realizing that it came from the adult section, and too embarrassed to tell her the title, I mumbled, ‘Uh … I’m not sure.’ ‘That’s all right,’ she…

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Who Is Sufficient?

A while back my wife, Linda, and I were in our living room when we heard a “bang”! The electricity in the neighborhood went out, so we lit some candles. A while later the electric company fixed the problem and the lights went back on. When we lose power it reminds us of how important…

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The Exchanged Life

One phrase that is often used to describe the process of allowing Christ to live His life through us is “The Exchanged Life”. It was a phrase used in chapter 14 of the devotional biography, Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret. The great missionary to China, who had been frustrated in his attempts to live the abundant…

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Blessings in Christ

“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God–and righteousness and sanctification and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30). The preceding verses in this context describe how God chooses the “weak and foolish things” to put to shame the values of this fallen world (1 Cor. 1:23-29). “Of Him you are…

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