Archive for January 2009
How to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 2)
1. Our first test, therefore, of the Divine authority of any voice which may seem to speak to us, must be its harmony in moral character with the mind and will of God, as revealed to us in the Gospel of Christ. Whatever is contrary to this, cannot be Divine, because God cannot contradict Himself.…
Read MoreHow to Discern God’s Guidance (Part 1)
If… your soul only needs to know the will of God in order to consent to it, then you surely cannot doubt His willingness to make His will known, and to guide you in the right paths. There are many very clear promises in reference to this. Take, for instance, John 10:3, 4: “He calleth…
Read MoreWhy the Coach Saw A Cross
Seeing a shadow by the light of the moon changed his life. Was it mere coincidence or was it God’s special intervention? BECAUSE HE WAS THE SWIMMING COACH in a large college for men, they were puzzled by his unusual behavior. Each Thursday night as he arrived at the large indoor swimming pool he would…
Read MoreA Letter from Prison
Dear Grace Fellowship, I am writing you from inside the Walla Walla state prison here in the State of Washington. I am 46 years of age and a first time offender. I am innocent of the charge of second degree assault that got me sent to this prison, but I praise the Lord Jesus that…
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