Archive for June 1999
Corporate Identity
In this series we have been discussing the topic of the believer’s identity in Christ. Much of this theme focuses on the multifaceted wonder of the disciple’s individual identification with Christ. Here, let’s consider the implications of the believer’s corporate identity–the identification with the countless others who are united with Christ through saving faith. .…
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You might be surprised to learn that for years a member of our household actually slept in a cage at night. He was very friendly, but never said a word. Before you report me to the authorities, I should clarify that this little fellow was our rabbit–Buggs Bunny. I remember taking Buggs to the vet…
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A while back my wife and I registered to vote in our regional election. In order to get on the voters’ list we needed to bring with us two proofs of identity. After showing them our driver’s license and health card, we were deemed eligible to exercise our right as citizens. Similarly, we need to…
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In Wisconsin, the International Crane Foundation leads the world in saving Cranes from extinction. In addition to the zoo-like displays of the various species, there is a special compound called Crane City. Here the birds are protected from all contact from undisguised humans. Orphaned birds in this compound are fed by people in crane outfits!…
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