Walking in the Spirit

Now learn to walk in the Spirit. WALKING involves movement, action and purposeful direction. All doctrinal teaching in the Word of God is intensely practical, and like normal walking, at all times you have at least one foot firmly on the ground – you don’t float! Many and varied are the weird concepts and crazy…

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Delights of the Christ-Centered Life

Now let us consider some very special delights [of the Christ-centered Life]. Quietly confess your confidence in the power of the cross. Quote the apostle Paul’s superlative statement of faith, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the…

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Difficulties and Dangers in the Christ-Centered Life

YES, there are difficulties to be faced and dangers to be on your guard against, but when once you have pressed through, THE DELIGHTS ARE TREMENDOUS! Living in the Spirit has been likened to energizing a huge heavy flywheel. Initially it hardly seems to move, but as you persist the momentum increases, generating power and…

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He Is My Peace

My Personal Testimony My Christian life began with a lot of preconceived ideas about God and what He expected of me. Thinking the Christian life consisted mainly of behavioral change and performance, I thought I could handle it. I tried to measure up to every standard set by those around me, most of which were…

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