The Vitality of Hope

While browsing a copy of Web MD magazine, I noticed an article on Hope Therapy. It was based on a clinical trial with 32 people who met two hours a week for eight weeks. The doctoral students who conducted the program measured some improvement in the participants self-esteem and sense of meaning, while anxiety and…

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Christmas Angels and the Intrigue of Redemption

Angels played a vital role in the nativity story. We sing of them in our familiar Christmas carols: Angels We Have Heard on High, Hark the Herald Angels Sing… And contemporary interpretations of “angels” show up in many Christmas decorations. In Scripture we discover that angels are actually powerful, personal, spirit messengers created and deployed…

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God’s Solution to the Economic Crisis

Everywhere we look today we see or hear about the world economic slowdown. It is all over the TV, the radio, the newspapers and most importantly on our minds. We continually see reports of the world’s financial markets plunging and each day seems to set a new record for losses in a single day. We…

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The Ultimate Gift

“For your sakes He became poor.” 2 Corinthians 8:9 The Lord Jesus Christ was eternally rich, glorious, and exalted; but “though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor.”[1] As the rich saint cannot be true in his communion with his poor brethren unless of his substance he ministers to their necessities [2],…

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