Freedom from Sin’s Authority

In this sixth chapter to the Romans the Apostle sets forth the believer’s present position in reference to sin. The Cross of Christ has completely changed his relation to sin. Christ’s death, which has separated the believer from the consequences of sin as a transgression, has also separated him from the authority of sin as…

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Fallen into Legalism

Some major airports have installed a system that helps passengers who must walk long distances in the concourses. The moving walkway (or moving sidewalk) functions like an escalator, but transports people horizontally, instead of at an incline. Passengers can stand or walk as this conveyor belt walkway carries them forward. I’ve enjoyed using them in…

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The Body as an Offering

“Do not offer the parts of your body to sin … but rather offer yourselves to God”(Romans 6:13). Not only are we to offer our spirit and soul as an offering to God, but we are to offer our body as well. Under the Old Covenant, the slain sacrifice was not presented as a whole;…

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