Archive for October 2000
Why Christians Get Sick, Part 2
. We’ve been considering the complex question, Why do Christians get sick? Having discussed the cases of sickness unto death and sickness unto chastisement, we now focus another possibility. 3. Sickness unto the glory of God The concept of God being glorified through our sickness may sound strange. How can something as negative as human…
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Do you ever wonder why people get sick? And in particular, Why do Christians get sick? Although spiritually healed by Christ’s stripes of crucifixion, believers get sick in ways that almost parallel nonbelievers (1 Pet. 2:24). I say the ways almost parallel non believers. In his book, None of These Diseases, Dr. S.I. McMillen gives…
Read MoreDefusing Anger
Flying home from a ministry trip I once sat next to a woman on the plane who gave me a vivid illustration of the damage anger can do. Her brother and his wife had an argument a few weeks previous and when he turned to walk away, his wife angrily hit him with a metal…
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