How Can I Exchange Emptiness for Fullness? pt. 3

Devotional insights on John 4:1-26 . Well, let us go back to the woman at the well. We see how Jesus provokes her to recognize that she needs this water, this well. So when He speaks about this water, she decides to throw away all of her difficulties about His being of a different race,…

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How Can I Exchange Emptiness For Fullness? Pt. 2

Devotional insights on John 4:1-26 . You know, it’s interesting that the simple everyday things of life are all types and shadows of spiritual realities. There is nothing that is any more true of this than the well and the water. So Jesus is bringing her to the place where she can realize that as…

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How Can I Exchange Emptiness for Fullness? pt. 1

Devotional insights on John 4:1-26 Who can fathom God’s deepest desire to have a vast family of children conformed to His own image? Was it fellowship that He sought? No doubt that was involved, but there is something else we should consider. It would seem the unique design of our spirit, soul, and body is…

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