Archive for November 2006
Living or Just Existing?
Many people today go through life only existing. Why is that? What have they lost or what did they never have, that would put them in such a state? We experience this lack of life when we haven’t truly given Christ our all. You say, “I know He’s in control. He created everything, and since…
Read MoreA Banquet of Blessings
As The United States observes the annual Thanksgiving holiday, many will take this opportunity to remember the pioneering faith and original Thanksgiving meal of the Pilgrims of Plymouth colony. A story from the pages of the Old Testament exemplifies the nature of God’s grace and the incentives believers have to give thanks to God continually.…
Read MoreChrist in You: A Conversation
[A conversation between two Christians reading Scripture and discussing the high standards set by God. Discovering the solution of “abiding in the Vine.”] Janet: “Oh, I see you are reading from the Bible.” Karen: “Yes, these words are like food to my soul. They give me strength.” Janet: “Read to me, friend. I also am…
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