For This I Have Jesus

One of the hard realities of this present life is that we all will face difficult times. Some try to tell us that Christians are exempt from the trials and tragedies of life. But God’s Word tells us differently: “For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in…

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The Believer’s Fourfold Union With Christ

When our Lord Jesus was giving His farewell address to His disciples the night before His crucifixion, they desperately needed comfort. Having been with Christ for over three years, they faced the grim prospect of being separated from the Lord. How could they go on to an impossible mission without Him? This need for power…

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The Gospel of Rest

“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.” HEBREWS 4:9 THE keynote of this chapter is Rest. In the second verse it is spoken of as a gospel, or good news. And is there any gospel that more needs preaching in these busy, weary days, through which our age is rushing to its…

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