Archive for April 2012
Understanding Suffering (Part 3)
Suffering in Light of God’s Sovereignty Paul’s testimony in the thorn-in-the-flesh passage–along with other passages–introduces the truth that no suffering is able to reach us apart from it being the will of God. In some Christian circles the theme of God’s sovereignty is much discussed. Controversies rage, for example, over the theme of our election…
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Suffering Enables Us to Experience the Life of Grace I had been experiencing the life of grace for several months when my Bible reading brought me again to the “thorn-in-the-flesh” passage of 2 Corinthians 12:1–10. [ “And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’…
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Someone has said, “Life is a series of mortar attacks.” That person is right–and Christians are not immune. The older we become, the more we realize God’s purposes for our sufferings. Some have characterized Christianity as being a “fun” thing. Others have made Christianity a sure and certain route to financial prosperity and perfect health.…
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