Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret

[This historic letter to his sister contains a personal testimony from the great missionary to China. Hudson Taylor described his spiritual breakthrough as “The Exchanged Life.”] So many thanks for your dear, long letter…. I do not think you have written me such a letter since our return to China. I know it is with…

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The Right But Difficult Choice (Part 2)

When the deacon humbly took a place beside Bill [see part 1], he was embracing an often-missed aspect of the cross: (1) Jesus died on the cross as the substitute for our sins… and we [as believers] are freely forgiven. (2) But equally as important, we died with Him on the cross… and we can…

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The Right But Difficult Choice (Part 1)

After many years of serving the Lord there was fruit evident on his tree–patience, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control were obvious. But there was another character quality yet to be demonstrated when the deacon made… THE RIGHT BUT DIFFICULT CHOICE It is Sunday morning … Main Street … USA. Bill has made a choice to attend…

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