Archive for December 1999
Y2K Readiness
There seems to be a mystique about crossing the threshold to the next millennium. I remember that, when I was as a boy, my dad tipped me off when the odometer on the family car was about to turn over from 99999 to zeros–neat! The more technical folk remind us that Friday night’s ball-drop will…
Read MoreThe Witness of Angels
“Angels we have heard on high,” “Hark, the herald angels sing”—the familiar Christmas carols contain many references to angels. Angels have become quite popular in modern culture as well. Many TV programs, movies, books, magazines, and collectibles involve angels. According to polls, most people believe in them, but what are angels? Are they only metaphors…
Read MoreYour Family Tree
These days there is a growing fascination with tracing out one’s family tree. The Learning Chanel has produced the TV show about celebrities exploring their family tree–“Who Do You Think You Are? And web sites, like, provide historical databases for research. The challenge of discovering the family’s genealogy has become a mission for millions…
Read MoreOur Enemy–The Flesh, Part 2
In part one we looked at a primary obstacle to abundant living in Christ—the problem of the “flesh.” The simple prescription of Galatians 5:16 is: “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.“ But how do we know when we are (or are not) being lifted by the Spirit…
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