The Meaning of ‘Curare’

[This article is from Hendrik and Nehlsie DeBruto. They serve as Grace Fellowship International staff in South Africa. The name of the South African ministry is Curare. Nehlsie testified of how God led them to this name. – JBW] In 2002, God instructed me: “I want you to call the place Curare.” I inquired what…

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Under the ministry of Billy Graham in April, 1955, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Two years later I received my call to the ministry. During the months that followed my “born again” experience, the Lord nurtured me through Bible Studies, youth prayer meetings, Youth for Christ meetings, and other special events,…

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The Ultimate Blessing

We’ve had some birthdays in our family in the last couple of weeks. Our older son turned 23, our twin sons turned 17 and my wife turned … a year older. I recall the excitement of my birthdays growing up. I couldn’t wait to unwrap my gifts–perhaps a model, a basketball, a game… My interest…

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The Roots of Insecurity Part 5

5. Uncertainty of Election One of the most incomprehensible aspects of redemption is the antinomy of the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man. Although space does not allow us to delve into the arguments for/against Calvinism or Arminianism, the confusion about election and predestination may stir up insecurity regarding one’s salvation. The Calvinist…

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