Archive for July 2009
Bypassing the Detour of Legalism (Part 3)
C. Legalism is also a problem for Christians. Man-made rules, apart from divine relationship, turn God’s values upside down! “The story was told some years ago of a pastor who found the roads blocked one Sunday morning and was forced to skate on the river to get to church, which he did. When he arrived,…
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B. Legalism is a problem for the unsaved. One of the distinctives of biblical faith is that salvation is not based on man’s attempts to reach God (religion), but on God’s provision to reach man (redemption). Legalism is a roadblock to the unsaved when they try to earn God’s salvation by works of merit, no…
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In our journey to receive and live out God’s righteousness in a fallen world, we encounter well-intentioned detours. A young man once asked, “What is it I must forsake?” He was instructed, “Colored clothes, for one thing. Get rid of everything in your wardrobe that is not white. Stop sleeping on a soft pillow. Sell…
Read MoreThe Abundant Life Testimony of Luis Palau
Since 1966 God has given me the privilege of traveling the world and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with hundreds of thousands of people. I have been thrilled to see people of all nationalities come into relationship with Jesus Christ and experience new life in Him. But all this almost didn’t happen. As…
Read MoreA Prayer About Happiness
Happiness 0 LORD, Help me never ro expect any happiness from the world, but only in Thee. Let me not think that I shall be more happy by living to myself, for I can only be happy if employed for Thee, and if I desire to live in this world only to do und suffer…
Read MoreKeys to the Deeper Life (Part 2)
Hearing But Not Obeying It has been the unanimous testimony of the greatest Christian souls that the nearer they drew to God the more acute became their consciousness of sin and their sense of personal unworthiness. The purest souls never knew how pure they were and the greatest saints never guessed that they were great.…
Read MoreKeys to the Deeper Life (Part 1)
A New Yearning Among Evangelicals Within the hearts of a growing number of evangelicals in recent days has arisen a new yearning after an above-average spiritual experience. Yet the greater number still shy away from it and raise objections that evidence misunderstanding or fear or plain unbelief. They point to the neurotic, the psychotic, the…
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