Archive for October 2002
A Testimony: My Father’s Shirt
A Painful childhood memory becomes a door to faith and the knowledge of the healing love of God.[1] . The Holy Spirit really dealt with my husband and me at the Sonship Week conference in answer to many prayers. I’m seeing that as good as theology and teaching technique are, it is the Holy Spirit…
Read MoreA Portrait of Discipleship, Part 2
We have been comparing the process of discipling another person to a disciple’s framed portrait. The countenance of the portrait’s subject symbolizes the Spirit of Christ–the One who empowers and directs the spiritual life. And the sides of the “frame” represent four a basic elements involved in making disciples. Side 1. “Discipleship requires TEACHING.” Side…
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What brings you joy? A rise in the stock market? A lower golf score? An A on your exam? Fine dining at restaurant? While they may bring some temporary happiness, spiritual ministry provides abiding joy. The Apostle John declared: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John…
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