Archive for September 2007
Canaan and the Cross: The Testimony of James Markey (Part 2 )
Through prayer, meditation, and suffering I believe the Lord has led me back into Canaan. He is bringing healing and maturity to my mind, will, and emotions through the fellowship of His Spirit and His people. However, I know my stay here is not guaranteed. My flesh is always lurking and has an accomplice in…
Read MoreCanaan and the Cross: The Testimony of James Markey (Part 1)
I am from Fort Wayne originally. When I was 9 years old my parents divorced, my dad left the house, my mom went off to work, and my brother and sister went to college. I went from having a fairly normal family life to being all alone. I remember just feeling completely abandoned, ashamed, and…
Read MoreForfeited Discipleship: The Rich Young Ruler (Part 4)
Before we go on, let’s review the three aspects of discipleship by a comparison with the marriage of Queen Esther. When she received the Persian king’s hand in marriage she entered a new covenant based on the king’s love (like positional discipleship). She then adjusted to married life and functioned in her role as a…
Read MoreForfeited Discipleship: The Rich Young Ruler (Part 3)
B. The rich young ruler also forfeited ideal discipleship (Matt. 19:16-22). Although salvation is offered to sinners as a free gift, knowing Christ as Savior and Lord also includes His role as Teacher (positional discipleship). In this relationship believers are called to come to grips with the full implications of Christ’s wisdom and authority (ideal…
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